Chapter 12

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Freen's POV

Even 3 weeks after the accident, the entire fandom was still abuzz with speculations as to why no further updates were given on Becky's condition.

New articles were still popping up here and there.

Not as many as the actual day of the accident which almost broke the internet with various news outlets and magazines scrambling to be the first ones to release it to the public.

We used the accident to cover up the truth about Becky's illness.

It was easier said than done because there were multiple witnesses who saw her run out of the car to get help.

'She's faking it to gain sympathy. A lot of people saw her run out of the car. She was just fine. No reason to be gone for almost a month.'

'Maybe they're using it as an excuse to break up Freenbecky tandem. I think the other one always wanted to go solo with her career'

'Wow! I didn't know we had a lot of medical experts here. She could've suffered a serious hemorrhage people! Think before you judge.'

'I still think this is just a publicity stunt to promote an upcoming project.'

'Don't listen to these haters and just continue to get well soon Becky. We're waiting for you.'

'Never let the pressure get to you Becbec. Please take your time to heal. Your health should always be your number one priority.'

These are just some of the contradicting statements circulating around social media.

I sighed and hoped to god that only the positive comments reach Becky. But of course, knowing her, she's always lurking on social media to see what the fans are up to.

Until now, I still can't believe what happened. Perhaps I was right in being paranoid about having too much happiness in my life. Because it will give you an equal amount of pain later on.

It could happen right away or it could take years but, in the end... the pain always comes.

Time has its funny tricks. Time gives but time can also take without prior warning.

"Ladies and gentlemen, British Airways welcomes you to Heathrow Airport. The local time is 8:30 AM. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisles clear until we are parked at the gate."

My heart skipped a beat when hearing the announcement. I can't wait to see her.

I haven't seen her since I traveled with her family to England. They decided that it was best for her to have her treatment here for privacy reasons.

I stayed only eight days then had to get back lest the fans become suspicious of my disappearance as well. I took on every possible gig that would fit my schedule, that way I'll have an excuse to be gone a longer time to get some 'rest' a.k.a flying to England to be with my girlfriend.

I endured a lot of bashing from other fans who accused me of trying to hoard the spotlight while my partner was still recovering. Not that I cared much. Right now, all that matters is being with Becky.

This is my first time alone on a long-haul flight. Richie picked me up at the gate.

"How is she?"

"She's hanging in there. Our Becky has always been a fighter." He smiled sadly and I could tell he was trying to convince himself more than me.

"How about you? How are you holding up?"

"Me? Pffff you know me...I'm not that worried at all. I'm just...focusing in being healthy, you know. So I could be ready for when it's time to take my bone marrow. I don't want them to have any excuse to disqualify me as a donor. It'll all be okay, you'll see."

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