Chapter 10: Shadows of Moonshroud

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With the completion of Serpent's Cross, Eadric was set on a new path for purpose

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With the completion of Serpent's Cross, Eadric was set on a new path for purpose. After many trials of anguish, despair, yet also succession, Eadric was named the Duke of Ravenhold.

A meeting was set in place for the new Ironfeld Carpentry Guild and the line of command for Ravenhold inside of a quaint newly-built hut . It was Eadric, General Sebastian, and King Gideon's team of treasury who sat at a large oak table. The legs of this table were carved with the artwork of both humans and elves, a very beautiful piece of art it was.

Eadric: Everybody, with the new advancements of trade, wares, and goods of all kinds, we need to expand the town of Ravenhold. Both Ironhaven and Ashenfeld have docks or trading ports if you will, to traverse between one another. We need the same thing for our people here, it will offer new jobs and a great resting point between the two cities.

As he was saying this, the treasury were already taking notes with an ink quill. The contract for this large of a project needed a signature between them and Eadric.

General Sebastian: Yes, I agree with Eadric. With our new school of engineering, word has come as well that a flight port should be added as well. The school is working on an invention to produce arcane powered flight devices. This will cut down the time to traverse from different points of interest.

The treasury nodded, after a few minutes of writing amongst each other, a deal was finalized on paper. Luckily for Eadric, because of his immense help in obtaining the powers of the fountain of youth, the treasury believes that as long as he continues to protect their people and aid in recruitment for guilds or the army, that this project would be of no cost.

They wrote the final words of the agreement and drew two lines at the bottom of the paper, this would be where both parties would sign. Within a short thirty minute meeting, it was adjourned and this new project would take place.

At this moment, a loud knock would come from the outside door. Upon opening the door, Eadric could see one human, accompanied by two elven warriors and their steed.

Warrior: Duke Eadric, I come with unfortunate news! Reports of a major disturbance come from Moonshroud, the civilians have evacuated. I suggest we send some form of brigade to investigate, from what the few civilians I found among the forest told me, a dangerous threat looms!

Eadric's face represented that of confusion. With such little detail of who the threat could be, or what it could be, he knew he needed to be the one to investigate.

Eadric: I appreciate you coming forth and reporting this issue to me. You three look terribly exhausted, please take these three tokens and present it to the inn down the road. You all will receive a room and food. As for myself, I am going to band together my trustworthy soldiers to assist Moonshroud. If any more assistance is needed, please report to General Sebastian, for he will be taking my place in the meantime.

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