Without warning, I bumped into a brick! A solid chest and I jerked back, falling to the ground, ass first!

I whelped in pain, not for my ankle but for my ass! I snapped my eyes open and looked at black burnished shoes. My eyes trailed up to sleek trousers and further up to a shirt, all in black, clung firmly to biceps and a broad chest. Even beneath the material, you could see a muscular physique. I looked up at the most intimidating man that I've ever seen. He had striking features. Midnight black hair swept back, revealing a chiseled clean-shaven jaw. And his eyes... a bottomless ocean of sea blue.

There was something more to him, something different and overwhelming that exuded dominance, though I didn't have a clue of what it was.

He was all unsmiling, powerful, and dangerous with his mouth set in a hard line, just like his brother, Brett.

I tried to catch my breath. But failed. I stared at him with my dumb mouth agape. Fascinated by the utter magnetism rolling off him in waves. And right now, his eyes were laser-focused on me!

This man must've been Maddox. The eldest brother!

Finally, I tugged my eyes away and staggered up. His eyes watched me struggle to my feet. My hand wiped the butt of my jeans and I smiled stiffly at the formidable man. He didn't appear impressed, more so the opposite, as his lips turned into an unforgivable grimace.

"H-h-hi, you must be Maddox, Brett's older brother," I smiled awkwardly and stuttered like a halfwit.

He kept silent; he's left eye twitching as he breathed in deep with his chest rising.

"I'm Zoey, Alice's friend —"

He grunted and lifted his hand, swatting the air like I was a pestilent fly. His intense stare drilled into me. "You dare to speak to me, human?" His voice was deep and full of authority, with his eyes dragging up from my boots to my freaked-out eyes.

Did this guy think he was a fucking alien or something? I mean, he had looks that were out of this world, but that's as far as it went!

He moved smoothly past me towards the office, and I dared not look after him. I gulped. "What the fuck?" I breathed under my breath, still reeling from the daunting encounter.

"That's just great!" I huffed with lips in a pout. He might have been the sexiest man alive, but he's harsher than I expected. I thought Brett was bad... it looked like I just met the worst!


And I was right!

Dinner was awkward as fuck.

Brett's whole family gathered around the dinner table; anticipation mingled with agitation hung in the air. The table lined with full plates of roasted, extremely rare beef and buttery mashed potatoes with jugs of lemonade. The flickering two candles that were unexpectedly settled in the middle of the table added a touch of warmth to an otherwise tense atmosphere.

Everyone indulged in light and pleasant banter. Brett and Zack wolfed down their roast beef and spoonsful of mash. Willow chatted to Alice about the barbeque while Brett stabbed his steak with a knife. He glanced covertly to Maddox, who sat at the other end of the table opposite his father, Lincoln. Faye touched Lincoln's hand as they whispered in deep conversation. I glanced at Savina as I sliced through the tough meat with a knife and fork, the blood lightly seeping out. Her right hand caressed Maddox's rigid wrist.

I watched Maddox with lowered eyes. The man hardly touched his beef. He took a gulp of his clean whisky, staring daggers at his brother, Brett. I glanced between the two brothers as they glowered at each other. Maddox's gaze darted to his father next, and his left jaw ticked. 

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