Chapter 31 : investigation

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The crew was surprised that they fell silent "wait" Jongho said "you accepted his offer so he can tell you how this works, just like that?" Jongho questioned him "well, it's better to have a deal instead of nothing in return" he told them and they understood him "anyways, tomorrow go and check on them" he ordered "Aye Captain" they said and left.

Mingi went to Yunho's cabin to find him checking on Neil blood pressure "how are you doing?" He asked Neil "I'm actually feeling better" he answered smiling "his blood pressure is good and he seems to be recovering from the lack of food" Yunho said rising from his seat "that's good news" Mingi assured Neil smiling "what brought you here?" Yunho asked packing his stuff in his cabinet "I'm here to check on both of you, and wondered if you'd like something sweet" he told them and Neil's face lit up "can we?" He asked excited "of course, what would you like?" Mingi asked him "strawberry cake with ice cream on top of it" he told him "I'll see if we can provide the ice cream, what about you?" He asked Yunho "the same" he told him "I'll be back in 10 minutes" he said heading out.

Valerie sat on the quarterdeck starring at the ocean, she heard footsteps on the main deck, she turned her head to find Mingi rushing out of Yunho's cabin "why the rush?" She asked getting his attention "nothing, I just want to check if we have ice cream" he told her and rushed to the kitchen, she didn't mind him and kept on starring at the ocean, watching the sunset.

The next day had come and the crew got ready to investigate on the soldiers.

They went to the port on the east side of the island, they found the soldiers filling a huge ship with guns, rifles and swords, Seonghwa was in charge of them "Valerie, you go with Jongho and Wooyoung to the ship, the rest of you, follow me" he ordered and they nodded.

Valerie was in the lead with Jongho and Wooyoung behind her, they waited behind a pile of boxes next to the ship "how are we going to get in?" Wooyoung questioned, Jongho noticed some workers lifting boxes into the ship "I have an idea" he said "each hold a box and follow me" he told them.

Each one lifted an empty box and followed him, they started climbing into the ship "you there, wait" one soldier stopped them "what are you holding" he asked suspicious "it's some food the captain ordered to bring in" Jongho told him "I see, put it on the main deck and leave" he told them and they went in.

They put the boxes near the cabins under the quarterdeck "let's split up" Valerie told them, and Wooyoung went under the trapdoor while Jongho went to the left cabin under the foredeck and Valerie went to the right cabin under the quarterdeck.

When she went in, she noticed the maps filling it, on the bed, the walls and the desk, she started looking through it, one map stood out for her, it had a palace scheme on it, she rolled it and put it in her bag, she also found a small chest in one drawer, she opened it and found some deals about drugs, she put it back and continued looking and found a letter, it was directed to the head general of the army.

"To General Franklin

We'd like to inform you, our preparation in IceLake is done, we have gathered our sources and weapons, by the time this letter arrives, we'll be on our way to Blackbalt Snow.
We still couldn't find any trace of prince Neil.       
                                              Captain .J"

She put the letter aside and kept looking for something more important, she heard footsteps getting closer to the cabin, she put the maps away and hid under the bed.

The door opened revealing two men, the first one was tall, he wore a long navy coat and black pants and boots, his hair was brown and had a small beard, while the other one was slightly shorter than him, he wore a blue jacket and brown pants and boots like the other soldiers, his face was clean and had a black hair, the tall man reached for his desk, grabbing the letter, put it in an envelope and handed it to the other man "send it to the general, but be careful, it's controversial" he warned him and he nodded "Roger!!" He shouted and left closing the door behind him.

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