Chapter 10

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1st POV

The next day we packed a few things and hiked to a nearby clearing to set up. Today was the last day of our trip and the day we agreed to camp outside. We arrived at the chosen location and began to prepare.

"So, it looks like we only have five tents.... oops", Lance said sheepishly as he checked the luggage.

"I call dibs on my own", Pidge yelled as she sprinted over and took a tent. Shiro and Hunk also quickly took their own tents and began setting up, leaving the remaining four of us with two tents.

Well great.

Lance and Allura took one tent and went to set up, leaving Keith and I with the last tent.

"What just happened?", I mumble, rubbing my temples from frustration.

"No idea, but I'm not complaining", he mumbled.

"Huh?!", I asked as I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Nothing", he said quickly and looked away. "I'm gonna go set up our tent." Keith hurriedly took the tent and went to put it up.

I snapped out of my shock and decided to start prepping the ingredients for our lunch.

We spent the day exploring the nearby areas. Pidge and I found a cool cave with rock geodes. Pidge took a few samples for 'analysing' and I took some as souvenirs for everyone. We spent most of the day in the woods and retired to bed early since we had to leave quite early the next morning to get our stuff from the cabin.

I lay in my sleeping bag, trying to fall asleep. The only sounds I could here were the crickets chirping outside and Keith's soft snores from beside me. After an hour of staring at the ceiling of the tent, I quietly stepped out of the tent and went outside. I sat on a tree log in the middle of the clearing and admired the stars. The serenity of the night helped me relax.

I noticed Keith stepping out of our tent. He looked around before his gaze landed on me and he began walking towards me.

"Couldn't sleep?", he asked softly as he sat down next to me, our shoulders brushing slightly.

"Yeah. Insomnia at its finest", I chuckle.

He smiled at me, and we both turned to watch the stars in a comfortable silence.

"Hey, can I tell you something?", Keith suddenly spoke up.

"Sure, I'm all ears", I say turning to face him.

"Promise you'll listen till I'm done and won't laugh?", he asked with a slight blush.

"I promise", I smile warmly.

He took a deep breath before continuing. "So, this is something I've been meaning to tell you for a really long time. It was difficult for me to admit this, because I'm afraid of showing vulnerability... of showing my emotions. But I can't hide it anymore", he said looking straight into my eyes. "I love you."

My breath hitched and I felt my heart skip a beat. My ears and cheeks felt warm, and I knew I probably looked like a tomato.

"Really?', I ask in disbelief. "May I ask why me?", I mumble shyly.

"Because I know for as sure as I breathe, you are the most amazing person I have ever met, on the inside and out. You are everything I could ever wish for in someone. I never thought I'd meet someone like you. You've shown me kindness and compassion like no one else, and I couldn't ask for anyone better," he replied blushing. "It's okay if you don't feel the same-"

I cut him off. "No, I do", I say quickly. "I love you too Keith. More than anything... more than the whole universe. I know it sounds a little cliché", I say sheepishly. "But from the moment I first spoke to you all those years ago, I just felt this connection with you for some inexplicable reason. I was reluctant to confess because I didn't think you'd ever feel the same, but I'm so glad to hear that you do." I say grinning like an idiot.

Keith smiles widely and blushes as I confess. "Wow, now I wish I confessed sooner", he chuckled.

I laugh and nod in agreement. "So does this make us a couple now?", I ask shyly.

"Would you like us to be?", Keith asked excitedly. "Because I don't have any objections."

I smile and nod. "Yeah, I'd like that... very much", I say blushing.

"Then in that case, I am yours now.... and you are mine. We are bound together by fate. Just like the moon always has the stars, you can count on me to be there for you, always and for as long as I live. I am yours completely and unconditionally", he said lovingly.

"I didn't know you were such a romantic", I laugh trying to hide how flustered I was.

"I'm only like this for you Y/n", he said with a small smile as his cheeks flushed pink. "Can I kiss you?", he asked looking embarrassed.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I nodded shyly. Keith cupped my face in his hands and leaned in slowly. I closed my eyes and felt his warm, soft lips against my own. It was absolutely magical. I felt my heart skip a beat and a warm, tingly sensation filled my chest. I enjoyed every moment of that kiss, and I couldn't be happier.

The next morning

1st POV

Keith and I decided we'd tell the team we were together, after we got back to the cabin. As we were packing up and getting ready to leave, I called everyone to the living room.

"So, the reason why I called everyone here...", I say as I turn to look at Keith who is standing beside me. He takes my hand in his and we intertwine our fingers. He gives my hand a squeeze and smiles reassuringly. "Keith and I are now dating", I continue looking at everyone for their reactions.

A chorus of cheers erupt as everyone congratulates us.

"Oh my God, you guys finally got together!", Pidge exclaimed.

"It's all about the right timing Pidgeon", I chuckle.

"Says the one who's always running late", she deadpanned. I smile sheepishly.

"You have no idea how frustrating it was watching the two of you try to hide your feelings for each other", Lance sighed.

"Is that why you guys kept trying to get us to confess on this trip?", Keith asked raising an eyebrow.

"Wait... you knew?", Hunk asked confused.

"It wasn't obvious at first, but eventually we put two and two together", I chuckle.

"I told you guys they'd figure out the plan eventually", Shiro said amused.

"Well, as long as it all worked out in the end", Allura chipped in smiling.

Everyone chatted in good spirits as we wrapped up at the cabin. Keith insisted on taking me out on our first date today, so we left together on his bike. I held onto his waist tightly as we drove off, and I leaned my head against his back smiling contently. I'll always cherish the memories we created on this trip, and how Keith and I confessed our love under the stars.

A/n: Whoooo! We're finally done guys. I have mixed feelings about this honestly😭. I tried my best writing the confession and kiss scene. I think that was the hardest part to write🥲.

I'll be posting an afterword soon. Thank you to everyone who has been reading my book!

- Azaria❤️

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