Chapter 4

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1st POV

I woke up startled as I heard voices and loud footsteps. Pidge and the rest of our friends had arrived. They stared at me weirdly when they noticed I was laying on the couch.  I greeted them and quickly excused myself to the bathroom before they could ask any questions.


3rd POV

"Why was (Y/n) sleeping on the couch?," Pidge wondered out loud.

"I'm sure Keith had something to do with it," Lance said.

Just then Keith arrived from upstairs.

"Not everything that happens is my fault Lance", Keith said irritated.

"Yeah but you were the only one here with (Y/n)," Lance stated.

"Calm down you two", Shiro interjected. "Keith, why was (Y/n) sleeping on the couch?", he asked camly.

"I....don't know", Keith said rubbing his neck.

"You're lying!", Lance accused.

"What would you know?!," argued Keith.

"Okay, let's just ask (Y/n) when she comes back down", Allura interrupted.

"Yeah that's a better idea", said Hunk.

1st POV

I walked back down after freshening up. Everyone was seated in the lounge and the mood just seemed off.

"So what did I miss?", I asked while sitting down on an empty space next to Allura.

"Nothing much, just the usual... Keith and Lance fighting like the five year olds they are," Pidge said while shrugging.

"Hey!", both of them shouted in protest. I just chuckled.

"So why were you sleeping on the couch (Y/n)?", Pidge asked.

Quiznak... I need to come up with something.

"Oh I just wanted to look at the stars. I was enjoying the view through the window, and I dozed off without realizing it", I shrugged.

"See...there was a reasonable explanation", Hunk pointed out.

"What?", I asked confused.

"Never mind", said Pidge. "We've already sorted out sleeping arrangements while you were in the bathroom," she continued.

"Oh okay", I said. Wonder who's my roommate.

"So there's four rooms. One has a single bed, two have queen sized beds and one has two bunk beds.  Lance and Allura wanted to share. Hunk's sharing the room with the bunk beds with me. We have to work on an assignment due next semester, so thought we'd get some of it done while we're here. And Shiro called dibs on the room with one single bed. So that means you and Keith are sharing the last room", Pidge told me.

What?! I'm sharing a room with Keith!

Before I could say anything Lance interrupted, "So anyway, we've decided to go to a nearby waterfall today to relax and unwind. We're just gonna unpack first and then leave."

Everyone started getting up and going to their rooms leaving me dumbfounded. I stopped Pidge.

"Can I not swap with Hunk?", I whispered.

"Aw come on (Y/n). I told you, Hunk and I need to work on our assignment, we'll be busy when we're with our families. Besides you get to share a room with your crush", she winked mischievously.

Love Under The Stars | Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now