Chapter 3

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1st POV

Today was the day. I woke up all excited. I was looking forward to spending the week with my friends. I got ready as quickly as I could and waited for Pidge to finish. We met everyone in the campus parking lot. We all loaded our luggage in the back of the minivan. I kept a small backpack with me which had a set of clothes and a few other random things.

"Okay guys. I think that's all the luggage", said Shiro.

"Yeah but because of all Hunks extra luggage there's not enough room for all of us", Lance pointed out. "Looks like two of us will have to come separately."

"Well Keith can take his motorcycle," suggested Allura.

"And (Y/n) can go with him?" Pidge chipped in.

I looked at her in shock. She looked back at me and winked. Oh no.

"Why does she have to come with me?", asked Keith kind of coldly.

Ouch. That hurt my feelings. Did he not like my company? I looked away and focused on my shoes which suddenly became very interesting.

"(Y/n) gets car sick, so it would be better if she goes with you."

My head shot up and I looked at Pidge all confused.

Since when do I get car sick?

She gave me a look that said "just play along".

"You do?", asked Keith with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah...yeah I do", I responded meekly while averting my gaze anywhere but him.

"Well that's settled then", said Allura. "Since you guys are going by bike, you may get there a little before us, so take the spare keys for the cabin." I thanked Allura as she handed the keys over.

"Okay, well I guess we'll see you guys later then", said Keith.

Keith and I said goodbye to everyone and I waited for Keith to come with his bike. As I waited in the parking lot, I thought about how appalled Keith was that I had to come with him. I must have zoned out for a while, because next thing I knew Keith was waving a hand in front of me.

"Are you okay?", he asked. I could see genuine concern in his purple eyes.

"Y-yeah. Why wouldn't I be?", I replied, mentally cursing myself for stuttering.

"Uhm because you were completely zoned out. I called your name at least three times."

"Oh", I said in realization. "It's nothing."

"We need to get a move on", he said while turning his motorbike on. Then it hit me. I would be sitting behind Keith, most probably holding on to him as we drove for hours to the cabin.

Crap this was a bad idea.

I know how uncomfortable Keith is with physical contact. I slowly walked over and sat down behind him. I didn't want to hold on to him incase he felt awkward about it. But that thought was thrown out the window as soon as Keith drove off. I quickly wrapped my arms around his torso as I held on for dear life. I felt him tense under my touch.

Well that's not a good sign.

To my surprise he slowly relaxed and didn't say anything.

We traveled in silence most of the time. We stopped a few times for refreshments. We didn't really talk along the way. It was just an exchange of a few words. I tried making conversation, but I got the vibe that he didn't want to talk. And I didn't want to make him more uncomfortable than he already was. It was almost 5pm, and we still had about an hour left before we arrived at our destination. I started to regret leaving campus so late. I wondered how the others were. We hadn't heard from them since we left.

Love Under The Stars | Keith KoganeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora