Chapter 9

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1st POV

The next morning, we decided to go to the nearby lake. Allura rented out some rowing boats for us. Each boat could seat two people. I joined Shiro. Pidge was with Hunk and Allura decided to stay on the riverbank and write in her journal. This meant that Lance and Keith had to share a boat, which they were not happy about.

"Why do I have to share a boat with him?", Lance complained.

"Can't we swap with someone?", Keith grumbled.

"Nope, it's about time you two got along", Shiro explained to the two. Shiro and I decided to get these two to spend some time together to sort out their differences. And this was the plan we came up with.

"What do you mean? We get along just fine. Right Keith?", Lance nudged the emo boy's arm.

"Yeah, so there's no need to spend more time together when we're such great friends", Keith played along.

I sighed. These two would do anything so that they don't have to spend time together.

"Well since you're such great friends, you won't mind having some bonding time with one another", I say sarcastically. Pidge just chuckles and she and Hunk get in their boat and leave.

"It'll be fine Lance", Allura offered a smile to her boyfriend.

Keith gave me a pleading look, but I just shrugged and left with Shiro on our rowing boat.

"You think it'll work?", I ask as we watch Keith and Lance get into their boat reluctantly.

"Well, I don't expect any major changes, but hopefully this is a stepping stone towards them getting along", Shiro said with a smile.

3rd POV

"I can't believe I'm stuck with you", Lance grumbled as he and Keith sat in the rowing boat out in the middle of the lake.

"I'm not happy about it either okay", Keith said glaring at the Cuban boy.

Lance sighed. He then came up with a mischievous idea and grinned at the emo teen.

"So, when are you confessing your feelings for Y/n?", Lance asked with a small smirk. Keith began to blush slightly and looked at Lance shocked as he had been caught off-guard.

"W-what are you talking about?", Keith asked with a frown.

"Come on Keith, it's so obvious you like her." Lance's smirk grew at Keith's reaction. "And she likes you back", he thought to himself, but didn't dare say out loud.

Keith sighed frustrated and ran a hand through his mullet. "What's it to you if I do?", Keith muttered.

"I'm just looking out for you pal. You should confess before someone else makes a move", Lance said sincerely.

"What if she doesn't like me back?", Keith said dejected.

"You won't know till you try buddy", Lance said with a sympathetic smile. "Just don't have any regrets, okay?"

Keith's face softened at Lance's words. "Thanks... Lance." He gave a small smile and then turned to look across the lake at you. You and Shiro were laughing about something, and Keith couldn't help but admire how beautiful you looked as you smiled.

"I mean she could end up being weirded out by your confession and then stop talking to you", Lance wondered out loud. Keith glared at the Cuban boy. Lance gave a sheepish look.

"I mean... I'm just saying. There are different ways things could turn out...," Lance fumbled over his words as Keith's expression darkened. Keith leaned in and narrowed his eyes.

"Just shut up Lance", he said slowly. Lance backed up in fear and accidentally fell off the boat.

1st POV

I heard a loud splash and turned to find the source of the noise. I noticed Lance had fallen into the water and was trying to stay afloat. The rest of us started laughing at the sight.

"That's Karma for the prank you pulled on me yesterday", I yelled at Lance with a playful smile on my face.

Lance muttered to himself, and Keith helped him back on the boat. Keith had an amused smile on his face but didn't say anything to Lance.

We rowed back to shore and headed back to the cabin. Pidge couldn't stop teasing Lance about how he fell in the lake, while the rest of us tried to suppress our laughter.

Later that evening we decided to make a campfire and enjoy the outdoors. Hunk was busy making us some smores with Allura and Lance. Shiro and Keith were deep in conversation, while Pidge and I were discussing some activities for us to do.

"Why don't we all tell a story around the campfire? We can each say something that we haven't mentioned to the group before", Pidge suggested.

"Sounds good to me", I say nodding. Everyone else agreed. After the smores were done, we sat around the campfire and began telling our stories.

Shiro went first and began telling us about the time he and Keith got chased by a bear. It was so hilarious, my stomach hurt from laughing so much.

Hunk told us about his crush on Shay, who was at the same university as us. He was planning on confessing to her when we go back next semester. We were all rooting for him.

Pidge told us about the time she pranked her brother, Matt, when they were home alone one day.  It was so like Pidge to pull a prank like that. Sometimes I feel bad for Matt because Pidge's pranks can be a little ruthless sometimes. You don't want to get on her bad side.

Allura spoke about some of her fondest memories at this cabin when she used to come with her family.

Lance told us he's going to try out for the football team next semester. We were so excited for him and wished him all the best.

Keith decided to tell us about the time Lance tried to cut his mullet, which resulted in Lance being chased around by a very angry Keith with scissors in his hand. We all just laughed and rolled our eyes as we expected nothing less from these two.

Then it was my turn to share something. I thought for a bit before I decided what I wanted to say.

"So, when I was five, I bit a Christmas tree light and got electrocuted in my mouth", I say nonchalantly. I got a few laughs but also some concerned looks.

"That's hilarious", Pidge said holding her sides. "Count on you to do something like that."

"Were you okay?", Allura asked worriedly.

"I'm sure that must have hurt", Hunk said sympathetically.

"Well, I guess you could say it was quite a 'shocking' experience", I say with a grin. They groaned at my attempt at making a pun but smiled anyway. Keith looked at me and chuckled while shaking his head. I grinned and made a peace sign with my hand.

We ended the night in good spirits as we sang songs around the campfire and enjoyed one another's company.

A/n: What's up my wonderful people? Hope you guys are enjoying the story. We're almost done with the book. I'm thinking of uploading the final chapter this Saturday because it's 7 years since the first episode of Voltron Legendary Defender was released. Time really does fly. See you guys in the next chapter! Take care.

- Azaria❤️

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