Chapter 7 - A Real Man

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"You're late," was the first thing Hoseok heard as he walked into the infirmary.

"Well considering the place isn't filled up, I think I'm still early," Hoseok said.

The room went quiet as Hoseok began placing equipment by the bed he will be using. He released a low sound in his anger as he couldn't get a thread through a needle. Suddenly, a groan from behind a second door was heard making both the doctor and Hoseok freeze.

"Has... Has he been like that all night?" Hoseok asked.

"No, I think he slept for about three hours on and off," the doctor said. "He just randomly moans. I've given him some... toys to play with."

Hoseok looked at the doctor with narrowed eyes. "Has he got enough food and drink?"

"No, there isn't any in there because his.... whatever you want to call it, came earlier than it was supposed to," the doctor said.

"So you are going to let him starve?!" Hoseok asked looking crazed.

"Well he took the key to lock the door," the doctor said but interrupted Hoseok before the other could shout at him. "And he took the spare key as well. So unless he opens the door, he will starve to death. If he doesn't die from lack of d*ck first."

Hoseok punched the wall he was nearest to in an attempt to leave the doctor in one piece. "Maybe that's the reason why he takes the spare key. Because he is terrified of you that you will take advantage of his weak state. You old freak."

"I don't think I'm the freak here," the doctor said as there was a knock on the door.

"For all that he can do, he kills, he fights, he thinks, and yet, because of one different, unique thing about him - that gives him an ability you will never have - something that many treasure, you put him down for it," Hoseok whispered as he shook his head. "He has worked harder than anyone else of this damned ship, yet you think he is weak. Let me tell you this, he is so much more than you or Namjoon will ever be. And I will hammer than in to your thick skulls as many times as you have given names to Yoongi for his situation."

Hoseok didn't wait for the doctor to say anything before he went to open the door. "Two at a time, as usual."

Two men walked into the room one limping and the other holding his arm.

"Bogum, how do you not see that your arm is broken?" Hoseok asked the other as he shook his head. "You have to stop coming the next day. Adrenaline and alcohol does not mend broken bones."

"You're going to have to stitch that on my arm before I remember that," Bogum said sheepishly as he lay on the bed.

It was silent in the room as the doctor and the trainee got to work until a quiet groan was heard.

"Is it who I think is in the isolation room in there again?" Bogum whispered earning a snort from the doctor.

Hoseok nodded sending a glare at the doctor. "Yeah, caught a fever after sleeping by the beach."

"The amount of times his immune system fails him, he deserves a medal," Bogum laughed before releasing a yelp. "It's a bit tight Hoseok."

Hoseok patted the other's bandaged arm. "It will heal faster, don't worry. Call the next man in."

Bogum murmured a thank you before leaving.

At around lunch time, the doctor and Hoseok had finally finished. Hoseok placed some food in a bag and walked back into the Infirmary. Most of the crew were just lazing around and the doctor was playing a game and Hoseok saw the perfect opportunity to visit Yoongi.

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