52 Payal

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Part 52 Payal

Payal opened her eyes regaining her consciousness. She was confused, finding herself in a new place. She saw the hospital set up in the room. A nurse was sleeping, placing her head on the table, sitting on a chair. That was when she recalled what happened to her on her birthday. Some people attacked her and Akash brutally. She could not remember anything after that. A terrible fear occupied her mind. Where was Akash? What happened to him? Was he all right? She panicked.

She got down from the bed and came to the nurse.

"Excuse me, sister..." Payal shook her hand.

The nurse looked at her lazily and jumped, seeing Payal standing in front of her.

"Hey... Are you all right? Do you remember who you are?" The nurse asked in an attempt of checking her memory.

"Yes, I'm Payal... Some people attacked us... By the way, which place is this? Is this a hospital? How did I come here? Who brought me here? Do you know anything about Akash?" She arrowed questions.

"One minute... I will call the person who brought you here. You don't stress yourself. Please relax..."

Taking her phone, the nurse was about to call Arnav, she stopped thinking about something. Just today Arnav got married. That was his first night. Disturbing him at this late hour won't be a good manner. She changed her decision of calling Arnav and dialed NK.

NK woke up from his sleep jerking, hearing the phone ring. He frowned seeing the nurse's number who was looking after Payal, flashing on his mobile screen. He saw the time and it was 12:45 am. Why did she call him at this midnight? He attended the call with confusion.

"Is everything alright sister?"

"Sir, Payal madam gained her consciousness back..."

"Whaaaaat? Really?" NK became excited.

"Yes, sir. She is asking many questions. I think only you could answer her. Could you come here or, should I call your brother?" The nurse asked.

"No no... Don't disturb him. I will come"

Wearing his slippers, NK walked to Payal's room not caring about changing his night suit.

"Whom do you call here?" Payal asked the nurse.

"Please wait madam. He will tell you everything"

A terrible fear clouded Payal's mind. What if this place belonged to the gang who attacked her? Did they bring her to this place? Might be... She didn't know who attacked them... why they attacked them...what their intention was... Payal became nervous. Her nervousness raised when she heard footsteps. She rushed to the door and hid behind it. The nurse was dumbfounded, witnessing the scene.

NK entered the room. He didn't find Payal there.

"Where is Payal BHABI?" He asked, running his eyes that surprised Payal.

The nurse gestured for him to look behind. As of now, Payal's restlessness also lessened hearing Bhabi from NK.

Nk looked at her.

"Bhabi, why are you there? Please come" he said politely.

Payal moved forward as he talked with her respectfully.

"I'm happy you gained your consciousness back. Akash will be so glad if he gets to know" Happiness sparkled in his tone.

"Akash? Where is he? Is he all right?" Payal asked restlessly.

"Yes, he is all right... Presently, he is in the US"

"US? But why did he go to the US? What he is doing there? Doesn't he know I'm here?"

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