47 Aman's Scene

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Part 47 Aman's scene

Hrithik was dumbfounded, knowing that his mother was in Arnav's custody. He shivered to death. He didn't think Arnav could reach him so faster. It was not hard for him to understand that Arnav would have seen his cover story on Facebook. Or else, the action Arnav took would not have been as faster as he imagined. He didn't expect Arnav would target his mother. Maybe, Khushi was the one who told him about his mother's whereabouts. If his guess was right, Khushi would have been angry with him for the cover story. She would get to know about his real intention as of now. So, there was no reason for him to think more. He has to rescue his mother from ASR's clutch. So, without any choice left, he decided to meet Aman Mathur who was the loyal officer of the police department. Hrithik thought only Aman Mathur could help him in this matter because he knew Aman Mathur was waiting for an opportunity to take action against ASR.

Hrithik came to the commissioner's office to meet assistant commissioner Aman Mathur. The constables stopped him at the entrance of the office.

"I want to meet Aman Mathur, sir... It's important and very urgent too. I want to tell him about an important person whom he is searching for." Hrithik said in a feeble tone.

"Whom you are talking about?" The constable asked.

"ASR..." He whispered.

"Whaaaat? ASR?" The constables were shocked.

"Yes, sir... He kidnapped my mother... My girlfriend is also in his custody. Please help me, sir. Let me meet Mathur, sir"

The constables spared a glance.

"Please sir, please, let me meet Aman Mathur sir" Hrithik pleaded with them again.

"We can't let anyone meet him without his permission..."

"Then, please get his permission, sir..."

"Wait... I will ask him" one of the constables said and went inside to get Aman Mathur's permission.

Hrithik waited outside restlessly.

On the other side,

Aman was also restless as he could not find the person whom Arnav wanted him to find out. He called Arnav. Arnav attended the call immediately.

"Yes, Aman..."

"ASR, send me Hrithik's photo... it will help me to find him easily"

Arnav looked that NK who was standing next to him.

"Send Hrithik's photo to Aman," he said.

Taking his words as an order, NK sent Hrithik's photo to Aman immediately.

"NK sent it to you..."

"Let me check it"


Without disconnecting the call, Aman opened WhatsApp and gave look at Hrithik's photo.

"Okay, I will take care of him"

"Okay Aman"

"How is Khushi? Does she know about this?"

"No... not yet... I don't want her to know about it as of now"

"No ASR... don't make such a mistake. She has to know about Hrithik. She should know the way he reacted to her love issue. She won't trust you if you tell her about Hrithik after deleting the post"

"She will be collapsed..."

"But, you will be there for her... she will collapse but we have no choice. She has to cross this path. Knowing about her choice of friendship is a must. Otherwise, she will have little hope in Hrithik for her whole life. It's not good for her. Instead of making her vulnerable, let her feel the pain for a while because it has to end..."

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