15 Mysterious Place

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Part 15 Mysterious Place

Khushi was blankly looking at NK because he had a point. Why did Arnav protect her from Ishan? Why didn't he just ignore it and mind his own business? Why was he showing interest in saving lives?

That was when NK got a call and he attended the call.

"Yeah... Coming" NK disconnected the call and smiled at Khushi.

"I have to go..." He started walking out, allowing Khushi to be in his room which surprised Khushi.

Khushi thought about Akash. She could not hold herself from thinking about Payal. She didn't know why. She ran her eyes in his room. Her eyes sparkled, seeing a binocular. It was hanging on the wall. Khushi rushed to it and took it in her hand. She came to the doorstep and slowly peeped out. There was no one in the corridor. Hiding the binoculars in her shawl, she came to her room. Locking the door from inside, she rushed to the window from where she could see the ambulance swallowing building. She made sure that no guards were noticing her. She adjusted the binocular viewpoint and looked at the building. There was only one window with GLASS doors at the corner of the building. She could see the movements of people inside the building through the glad door. She was sure something illegal was happening there.

She hid the binocular under a quilt and started watching TV. She had a reason to bring the binoculars. She waited for the right time to use it. She wanted to see the ambulance when it came.

Khushi jerked, hearing a knock on the door. She made sure that the binocular was not visible. She opened the door and saw Arnav standing. She tried to be looking normal.

"Are you alright?" He asked frowning.

"What happened to me?" She questioned him instead of answering.

"The door was locked. That's why I thought..."

Cutting him,

"This is a place that's being surrounded by goons... How a girl like me can be peaceful here?" She asked calmly.

"You can be peaceful here... No one will disturb you" he was also calm.

"It's not about disturbance but about something. You guys won't disturb me. It doesn't mean I can leave the door open"

"Ok, if it's about your comfort, you can close the door but if you feel anything weird about anyone's behavior, please let me know"

"What will you do?"

"Discipline is the most essential to my guards. I can't tolerate if guards do anything wrong"

Arnav turned to leave, but he stopped hearing,

"Won't you do anything wrong?" From Khushi.

"I won't do anything wrong but I'm not answerable if people find flaws in my actions"

"Have not you ever cheated on anyone?"

Arnav frowned.

"Cheated? I can never cheat anyone who trusts me. It's better to kill the person rather than make them taste the fruit of betrayal"

"That means you never cheated anyone?"

"No one..."

"That means you are still in love?"

"Whaaaat?" He shrank his face.

"I heard you were in a relationship with a girl... After coming here, I thought you gave up on her, seeing tout flirting with me"

Arnav was looking at her like she was an alien. Then he laughed.

"Me and relationship?"

Khushi looked at him and said nothing.

"Khushi, anyone can say anything... But it's all about our mindset whether we believe it or not. You are fixed that I'm the worst person in the world... Right?"

Khushi was silent.

"So, there is no use in making you understand because you won't accept the truth as you are already fixed. Be it. Truth can be hidden but its rays could not be..." Arnav walked away.

Khushi stood looking at his retreating figure. She was confused. She saw firmness in Arnav's eyes when he spoke. There was no trace of a lie in them. She was sure that Payal was in a relationship with ASR. Payal herself told that but Arnav's statement didn't match hers. If Arnav didn't love Payal, then why did Payal say so? What confusion was that?

Khushi decided one thing. She should not be sitting in this room anymore. Before that, she wanted to safeguard the binoculars. She didn't want Arnav or NK to see it. They would take it with them for sure. She got an idea. She rushed to the washroom. Securing the binoculars in the washroom self, she came out. Leaving her room door open, she came out casually, running her eyes on the guards. She read their facial expressions. There was no change in their faces, seeing her. That surprised her. She thought they would restrict her and would put some conditions to roam in this vicinity but nope. They didn't even look at her but stood as if she was not existing. Though the behavior of the guards confused her it gave her courage. She walked giving a look at the plants. She saw colorful flower plants being maintained well.

She wondered seeing the plants getting watered through DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM. The vicinity has been surrounded by thick trees, that looked like a bulwark. The ground had been covered with grass. That gave a greenish look to the place. She couldn't believe she was in the middle of Mumbai city. The place looked like a well-maintained tourist spot.

While enjoying the beauty of the place, her eyes were counting the CCVT cameras and her mind was observing its DIRECTION. It seemed it would be tough not to get caught in the cameras. But it was not impossible though, she thought.

She started trying it. She tried not to get into the cameras because she knew she had been watched. She didn't want them to know her INTENTION. So, she tackled the cameras. She crossed the camera areas, getting down on the turf. She did that casually as if she was enjoying walking on the turf. She was damn sure people who were watching the CCTV camera footage would not know where was she going.

She was nearing her destination... Yes, she was going to the building that was swallowing the ambulance every day. She hid behind a bushy plant and watched the building. She wondered because there was no tight security near the building. It looked so normal. She got a little closer to the building, hiding behind the plants, one by one. She was stuck, seeing a PASSAGE running between the first floor of the two buildings. The passage was completely hidden by the buildings. Anyone could see it only after getting closer to the second building. The passage started from the end of the long corridor of the first building in which she was staying.

Khushi saw Arnav and NK coming to the backyard building through the passage. She hid well from them. And of course, they didn't see her as their eyes were straight. Maybe, they would not have expected her to be there. NK simply pushed the door that was neither wide nor narrow. They got inside the building.

Khushi rushed to the front building not making the guards suspect. She crossed the long corridor without getting panicky.

That was when she saw NK coming with someone out of the backyard building. She widened her eyes, seeing the man. He was Ram for whom the girl fought the other day. She got into the nearby room before they see her. Khushi recalled what Arnav said to Ram that day.

*You can serve in RC*

That meant, was this building RC? What was the meaning of RC?

Her attention got diverted, hearing an ambulance sound. As usual, the sound decreased when it got into the vicinity. She stood holding her breath as NK and Ram were coming. NK crossed the room, uttering something to Ram, unaware of Khushi's presence that stopped her breath for a while.

"Make it fast Ram... Aman Mathur came"

To be continued...

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