Bonus: Larry's First Date

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"Don't look now, but your boyfriend's coming this way," Niall snickers.

"Niall he's not my boyfriend," Harry mumbles under his breath. 

"He might be if you'd just talk to him!" Niall scolds. 

Harry looks over his shoulder and quickly ducks his head when his eyes catch the person coming their way. 

The boy with the blue eyes and soft caramel hair laughs at his friend, Zayn, as they walk past Harry and Niall, and the sound sends butterflies a flutter in Harry's stomach. He tries not to look to obvious as he stares at the boy's beautiful smile. 

Louis Tomlinson is quite possibly the most gorgeous human to have ever walked the earth, Harry decides. He's thought so for years, ever since that first time he came over to Harry's house to work on a science project with Gemma, who's in his year. It was Louis who made Harry realize that he's gay, and he's been Harry's crush ever since.

Louis stops a few feet away from Harry and Niall, pausing at his raven-haired friend's locker. Harry watches the boy flick his hair from his eyes as Zayn puts his textbook away. 

"God, you're pathetic," Niall snickers. "Just go talk to him."

"No, that's awkward," Harry whines. 

"Not as awkward as you just staring at him," Niall says. 

"Shut up, Niall," Harry grumbles. 

Louis's other friend, Liam, the one with the honey-brown hair and soft, chocolate eyes appears then, and he smiles as Louis and Zayn wave him over. Harry bends over and pretends to busy himself tying his shoe so he can overhear a bit of their conversation. 

"No practice today, Lou?" Liam asks.

Louis shakes his head. "Nah. Was just gonna head home. Daisy and Phoebe wanted a Smash Bros tournament I think."

Harry smiles. Louis's voice is so perfect: slightly higher in pitch with a rasp to it that he's heard from no one else in his whole life. 

"Cute," Liam says. "Hey, look. Curly, three 'o' clock."

"Hush," Louis hisses. "Why'd you think I made Zayn stop at his locker, huh?"

"You finally gonna ask him out?" Liam asks. 

Harry perks up at that. Who's Louis going to ask out? He looks up and glances around, trying to figure out who could possibly be getting the invitation that he so desperately wants. He knows there's no way Louis would ask him. He's two years younger, and awkward, and his face is covered in acne. Louis probably wouldn't even notice him if he ran into him in the hall.

"Shhh, he might hear you!" Louis scolds. "And yeah, I just need to work up the courage."

"Hence the stop at the locker," Zayn says.


"Well, you'd better do it quick before he leaves." Liam says.

"I know, Liam, just shut up and let me collect myself," Louis grumbles. 

Harry's fully curious now. He wants so desperately to know who Louis's going to ask out. He knows his heart's going to break when he sees Louis dating someone else, but he's still curious. 

"Haz, you done yet?" Niall asks, nudging Harry with his foot. 

Harry sighs and straightens up. "Yeah, I guess," he says, bending down to gather his backpack from the floor. He picks it up and turns to walk away with his friend, still reluctant to leave before finding out who Louis's asking out.

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