Chapter 6

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A week later

"Papa!" a little voice calls. "Daddy! Is time to wake up!"

Harry groans, turning over on side. "Not yet, Darce," he mumbles. 

"But Papa," Darcy whines, pushing on his shoulder. "I wan' pway!"

Harry feels Louis stirring beside him. Soon, the older lad sits up and holds open his arms. 

"Come here," Louis says softly, gesturing for Darcy to join him. "Papa and I are still a bit sleepy, but you can come cuddle with us."

"O-kay." The little girl happily climbs onto the bed and into her daddy's arms. Louis snuggles her close and lies back down with Darcy wrapped in his embrace. She cuddles between him and Harry and Harry throws his arm around her, pulling her against his chest. 

"Why you tired?" Darcy questions, face buried against Louis's shoulder. 

Harry looks up at Louis, knowing they can't tell her the real reason. Harry had been up all night, sick because of the baby, and Louis had insisted on staying up with him. But they're still keeping Harry's pregnancy a secret from Darcy, at least until he's further along.

"We went to sleep late last night, baby," Louis says simply, stroking Darcy's hair.

"O-kay," Darcy accepts. 

"You wanna sleep some more with us?" Louis asks. 

"Yes," Darcy says, yawning slightly.  

"Alright, sweetheart," Louis mumbles, kissing the top of her head. 

Harry smiles, watching them. He kisses Darcy as well and grins as her eyes droop closed. He and Louis share a satisfied look before they both drift back off to sleep as well.


"Papa, hewe," Darcy says, handing Harry a little plastic apple. 

"For me?" Harry asks. 


"Thank you, Darce," Harry grins. He takes the apple and pretends to take a big bite, making chomping sounds and smiling after he pretends to swallow. "Wow, that was so yummy!" he says. 

Darcy giggles and claps her hands together. "I make soup!" She tells Harry, running back to her little toy kitchen.

Harry chuckles, watching as she throws a bunch of plastic food into her plastic pot. She picks up her little wooden spoon and stirs for a bit, holding the pot over the stove of her little kitchen. Then, she pretends to try the "soup", and seems to deem it acceptable, because she runs back over to Harry, pot in hand. 

"Papa, I make soup!" she says again, holding the pot and the spoon out to him. 

"Wow, really?" Harry asks, pretending to look shocked and impressed. 

"Yes!" Darcy says happily. 

"Oh my goodness, baby, I'm excited to try it," Harry tells her. 

"Twy it!" Darcy demands, giving him the pot. 

Harry chuckles and takes the spoon as well, smiling at the plastic food in the pot. Darcy's put a piece of pie, some broccoli, an orange, and a doughnut into the soup. Honestly, Harry's interested to see how it'll taste.

He "eats" a spoonful of the soup and smacks his lips a few times, pretending to think. 

"Hmm, Darcy," He says. "An orange-broccoli-doughnut-pie soup... I don't know how I feel about it..."

"Is good Papa!" Darcy tells him. 

"Well..." Harry says slowly, enjoying the stressed look on the toddler's face. He chuckles a little before he nods. "You're right, baby. It's very good. I think it's the best soup I've ever eaten!"

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