Chapter 15

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TW: flashbacks, death, violence, substance abuse, panic attack


A month later

"Are you ready?" Harry asks, staring at Louis with wide green eyes. 

Louis shifts a bit closer to him on their bed. "I'm ready. The real question is, are you ready?"

"I don't know why I'm so nervous," Harry mutters. "I know I'll love them, whether or not they're a boy or a girl."

"It's normal to be nervous," Louis says. "Just be glad we only have two possible outcomes, and both of them are great."

Harry nods. "Can you open it and tell me?"

Louis nods. He takes the envelope Zayn gave them at their appointment that morning and slits it open. He pulls out the little piece of paper, upon which is written the gender of their baby. Slowly, he unfolds it, holding it so Harry can't see. He looks down and a wide grin splits his face. 

"It's a girl," he says softly, looking over at Harry. 

Harry's green eyes widen as he processes that information, and then suddenly he's smiling and pulling Louis into a tight hug.

"A girl?"

"A girl," Louis confirms, burying his face in Harry's curls as he holds him close. "Darcy's gonna have a little sister after all."

"She'll be so happy."

Louis pulls away and looks at his husband. He tucks a stray curl behind Harry's ear. "Are you happy, love?"

"I'm happy," Harry tells him sincerely. "I'm so happy. We're having another daughter."

"Guess we were just destined to be girl dads, huh?" Louis chuckles. 

Harry grins. "Yeah. Guess so."

Louis looks down at Harry's belly. In the past month, his tummy has seemed to have really popped. He's got a proper bump now, although still small. Louis thinks it's the cutest thing to ever exist.

"Hey baby girl," he says softly, pressing his lips to Harry's belly. "I can't wait to meet you."

Harry giggles and brushes his hand through Louis's hair. "She can hear you," he says. "She's moving around."

"Is she?"

Harry nods. "Yeah. Pretty soon, she'll start kicking and you'll be able to feel it too."

"I can't wait for that."

"Me either."

"I love you, Haz," Louis says softly, stroking Harry's cheek. 

Harry leans into his touch. "Love you more."



"Okay, Darce," Harry says, kneeling down beside her. "Can you go get everyone and bring them over here?"

"Yes Papa," Darcy smiles, turning and skipping off. 

Harry chuckles, watching as she sashays through the people in their backyard, yelling up at everyone she passes to, "Go to Papa! He ofer dere!"

Eventually, she manages to wrangle all their guests and they all gather around Harry. 

"You've got quite the bossy kid," Scarlett jokes, grinning at Harry.

"Gets it from Louis, I swear," Harry shakes his head fondly. 

Scarlett laughs. "No, if I remember correctly, you were always the bossy one on the field."

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