Chapter 29

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It's been ten minutes since their daughter's birth and by now, the nurses have cleaned her up and measured her, and Harry's delivered the placenta as well. 

Now, he's sitting up in bed, cradling the baby against his bare chest, stroking her soft hair gently with his fingertips. Louis's sitting beside him, holding their baby's finger. 

"What are we going to name her, love?" Louis asks. 

Harry looks up at him, and then back at the baby. "Morgan," he declares. 

"Morgan?" Louis asks, knowing that's one of the names they've been debating on.

Harry nods. "She looks like a Morgan."

Louis studies the little girl for a moment before smiling. "You're right, she does."

"Morgan it is then," Harry says.

"Morgan Li Tomlinson," Louis finalizes, finally voicing the idea he's had for weeks. "I want Li to be her middle name. For Liam. You named Darcy after me, so now I want to honor my best friend as well."

"Of course," Harry agrees, smiling softly. "It's perfect."

"Hello, Morgan Li," Louis coos, stroking her little hand with his finger. "Welcome to the world."

Morgan stares up at him with her big green eyes and his heart melts. 

Harry smiles and shifts the baby in his arms. "Do you wanna hold her, Lou?"

Louis nods eagerly, not even trying to hide how much he wants that. Harry chuckles and transfers the baby to him for the first time.

Louis feels tears fall from his eyes the second her weight is in his arms. She's a big baby at nine and a quarter pounds, and she's already got sausage rolls for arms and legs. She sighs softly and turns her head to rest against Louis's chest. 

"She's so perfect, Haz," Louis says, cradling the baby gently. "I love her so much already."

He moves to sit on the bed next to Harry, noticing how the latter smiles fondly at him and the baby, his grin growing when the little girl yawns.  

"Thank you Lou," Harry says softly. He reaches out to stroke Morgan's head with his finger. 

"For what?" Louis asks. "You did all the work."

"For giving her to me," Harry tells him. "For helping me create her. For being here with me. I couldn't have done it without you."

"Well, that's not true," Louis argues. "Darcy's proof of that."

"Shut up." Harry laughs a little. "I'm trying to be sentimental and you're ruining it."

"I'm sorry, my love," Louis says, leaning over to kiss the top of Harry's head. 

"I love you so much," Harry mutters, turning to nuzzle into Louis's chest. 

"You were absolutely incredible tonight, Harry, you know that?" Louis says. "I could never be as strong as you. I'm so proud of you, darling."

Harry sighs and smiles contentedly. Louis knows he's exhausted. It's been a long night and he just gave birth to an over-nine-pound baby. Louis just kisses the top of his head, holding Morgan with one arm and wrapping Harry up in the other. 

Morgan starts to fuss a little, so Louis decides to do what always calmed Darcy down. He feels both Harry and Morgan fall asleep as he sings. 

You fill up my senses

Like a night in the forest

Like a mountain in springtime

Like a walk in the rain

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