Chapter 5

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A/N: Figured I'd give you two chapters today since the last one was basically just the epilogue to the first book so you've already read it lol

TW: some mentions of violence and guns


A few weeks later

"Harry, love," Louis says softly, rubbing his hand along Harry's back. "It's time to get up, darling."

Harry groans, snuggling further into the duvet. He'd been up for two hours last night puking his guts out. All he wants to do is sleep.

Louis presses a soft kiss to his curls. "I'm sorry, baby, but we promised Darcy we'd take her to the park with Zayn today. And if we want to be there on time we need to leave soon."

Harry buries his face in the pillow. "Don't wanna," he mumbles. 

Louis chuckles a little. "I know, my love. But it's almost ten. You've got to get up eventually."

Harry's about to protest further, when he feels his stomach turn again and bile rushes up his throat. He quickly sits up, tossing off the covers and running to the washroom to throw up in the toilet. 

Louis walks in after him, kneeling down beside him and rubbing his back while Harry retches. 

"You alright?" Louis asks as Harry finishes. 

Harry sinks against the cool tile floors, resting his head on the wall behind him. "Dunno why I wanted this so badly," he sighs. "Being pregnant sucks."

Louis chuckles. "I'm sorry, sweetheart." He kisses Harry's forehead. "But you're doing so well. The doctor said Baby's perfectly healthy, so that's something to be happy about, yeah?"

Harry nods, but he scrunches up his nose. "My morning sickness was never this bad with Darcy," he says. "That's why I didn't know I was pregnant till I was four months along."

"Every pregnancy is different," Louis says. "My mum used to tell me that all the time. And she would know. She had five pregnancies."

Harry sighs. "Yeah, she was usually right, your mum."

"Yeah, she was," Louis agrees sadly. 

"I'm sorry," Harry says softly. "I know you miss her."

"What are you sorry for?" Louis asks. "I'm the one who brought her up in the first place."

"I know but-"

"Hush," Louis tells him. "We've moved on, yeah? Let's just focus on our family now. You, me, Darcy, and this new baby."

Harry nods. "Okay."

"Hey," Louis says, cupping Harry's face with his hand. "I love you."

"I love you more," Harry says, smiling slightly.



"Unka Zayn!" Darcy cries when she sees the dark-haired man across the park. "Unka Zayn!"

Zayn smiles when he notices them and he immediately kneels down, just in time for Darcy to come barreling into his arms. 

"Hey kiddo!" He grins, falling over with the force of her impact. She lands on his chest and he cuddles her close, mussing up her hair. "Wow, you're getting so big, Darce."

"I'm big girl, now, Unka Zayn," Darcy declares, crawling off of him and standing up to show him just how big she is.

"You are," Zayn nods, sitting up. "I bet your Daddy and Papa are sad you're growing up so fast though."

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