Episode 25: A Step Towards Her Dream!

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Setting: Camping Site
-All of the students were enjoying the nearby site while Ha-rin was standing near lake thinking about what to do next. The spot she was at, there was hardly anyone present nearby.
Ha-rin: If Yu-na is so obsessed with Seo-jun then she must have noticed me being close with him. Why didn't she do anything? She doesn't seem like person who will sit idly.
-Ha-rin was thinking all this when she felt a pair of arms circling around her waist. She came back to reality.
Seo-jun: Where are you lost love? (He said as he placed his head on her shoulder)
Ha-rin: Nowhere. (She replied casually)
Seo-jun: Tensed about tomorrow?
Ha-rin: A little bit. (He turned her around so that she could face him)
Seo-jun: Don't be. I know you will win for sure. (He said as he cupped her face)
Ha-rin: Seo-jun, if I don't win tomorrow, will you stop loving me?
Seo-jun: Are you dumb? Your winning or losing doesn't define my love. I will always love you no matter what. (He said as gently kissed her which immediately lightened up Ha-rin's mood)
Ha-rin: Seo-jun stop, someone will see us! (She said while blushing)
-They were looking into each other's eyes until they heard someone's scream.
Seo-jun: That sounds like Soo-ah's voice! (He ran from where the voice came. Ha-rin ran behind him)
-What they noticed left them in shock. They saw Soo-ah drowning in the lake while Il-deung going to save her.
Seo-jun: Soo-ah! How did she fell in the lake? She doesn't know to swim!! (He was worried terribly)
Ha-rin: Calm down Seo-jun, Il-deung will save her. I believe in him. (She said while trying to console him by holding his hand but he pulled his hand from her. Ha-rin was little shocked by this action)
-Il-deung carried an unconscious Soo-ah on his shoulders and laid her on the ground. Seo-jun ran to her while the teachers also approached them. Seo-jun took Soo-ah's head in his lap while Ha-rin rubbed Il-deung's back as he was coughing.
Mr. Choi: What happened to her?
Seo-jun: Someone pushed her in the lake. I know that Soo-ah could never fall by herself.
Mrs. Shin: Let's take her to tent first. I'll call Dr. Min. (Seo-jun carried Soo-ah while Il-deung was still catching breath)
Ha-rin: Buttercup, are you fine? Just breathe slowly.
Il-deung: I'm fine.
Ha-rin: Do you know who pushed Soo-ah?
Il-deung: No. I was clicking the pictures when I heard her scream. There was no one around.
Ha-rin: Hmm. Come let's go the tent. (She helped him stand up and then they followed the others to the tent)
-Dr. Min was the school doctor. Soo-ah was conscious by then. Seo-jun was sitting besides her holding her hand. When Ha-rin saw that, she felt a little hurt, just a little, maybe.
Dr. Min: There's nothing to worry about. She has just swallowed a bit of water.
Seo-jun: Thank you Doctor Min.
Dr. Min: You shouldn't thank me. Thank the person who saved her life. Okay then, I will take my leave. Mr. Choi, feel free to call me in case of any emergency. Take care students. (With that he left along with other teachers and students)
-Just then Soo-ah noticed Il-deung.
Soo-ah: Thank you so much Il-deung for saving my life today. (Seo-jun went near him)
Il-deung: What now? Do you want to fight... (He was cut off when all of a sudden Seo-jun hugged him)
Seo-jun: Thank you Il-deung for saving my Soo-ah.
Ha-rin: "My Soo-ah"? (She thought to herself)
Seo-jun: I have always fought with you but from now on, I owe you a lot. Let's start our friendship over? (Il-deung looked at Ha-rin as she nodded)
Il-deung: Why not? (Il-deung also hugged him back while Soo-ah smiled at them)
Soo-ah: Il-deung can I talk to you for a moment please? (Il-deung nodded as Ha-rin and Seo-jun headed outside)
-After coming out, Ha-rin starting heading towards her tent but she stopped when Seo-jun held her hand
Seo-jun: Where are you going Ha-rin?
Ha-rin: To my tent to sleep. I guess you can sleep with Il-deung after all you two have made up now right? (She said blankly and starting walking again leaving Seo-jun dumbfounded)
Seo-jun: Now what happened to her? (He was confused)
-Kang Yu-na who was witnessing all this from a distance sniggered in victory.
Yu-na: Just wait and watch Ha-rin. My silence was not my fear, but my strength.
-On the other hand
Il-deung: So what do you wanna talk about Soo-ah?
Soo-ah: Il-deung, I don't know how to say this to you because I am not that good at expressing my feelings. I can't really stay keeping my feeling to myself. I was waiting for that right time to say this to you but it seems that the "right time" never arrives. The time you decide you want do something, becomes the right time itself.
Il-deung: Soo-ah, whatever you want to say, just say it... (Soo-ah closed her eyes tight and at once confessed)
Soo-ah: I like you Il-deung! Please don't hate me for this!
-Il-deung couldn't help but smile at her cuteness. Soo-ah slowly opened her eyes as Il-deung came close to her. Soo-ah's heartbeat stopped.
Il-deung: You must sleep. It's late. (He said in a honey sweet voice as he caressed her cheek. He was about to leave when Soo-ah pulled him by his hand which unintentionally caused him to land to closer to her more so than before. Il-deung gulped realizing the closeness)
-She looked at his lips and leaned in closer, however Il-deung backed off, clearly stating he didn't see her the way she saw him.
Soo-ah: I...I'm sorry... (Il-deung kept a finger on her lips)
Il-deung: Shh...don't say anything. Sleep. (He said and exited the tent)
-As soon as he came out, his smile disappeared.
Il-deung: What am I doing right now? Why did Soo-ah have to fall for me?

Next day
-Ha-rin was getting ready for the competition. She was a bit distracted in her thoughts.
Ha-rin: Does Seo-jun also feel the same when Buttercup cares for me? I understand he cares about Soo-ah but does he really care so much that he will forget me for her? Anyways, after competition, I'll try my best to find out who pushed Soo-ah. (She was thinking all this while applying her makeup)
Il-deung: Cupcake, are you ready? (He said while entering her tent but she seemed lost) Cupcake? (He said as placed a hand on her shoulder)
Ha-rin: Oh Buttercup, when did you come here?
Il-deung: Just now. Are you ready? (He said as he caressed her hair)
Ha-rin: Yes almost.
Il-deung: Nervous?
Ha-rin: Not at all! (She said confidently)
Il-deung: That's my Cupcake. (He pinched her cheek softly)
Ha-rin: Buttercup, do you know when are we leaving?
Il-deung: Well it seems like you and the other girl will be leaving first for participant attendance. We will be coming just before the festival starts.
Ha-rin: That means you won't be there for me? (He held her hands)
Il-deung: I'm always there with you Cupcake. I would never leave you. You will find me in the audience cheering for you!
Ha-rin: Promise?
Il-deung: Promise! (he said with a bright smile. That time Soo-ah and Seo-jun also entered)
Soo-ah: Omo Kiyomi, you look like a real angel! I guess the judges will be stunned by your beauty and give you a straight win.
Ha-rin: Yah Soo-ah, don't say like that. Looks can never define your talents and your personality.
Soo-ah: I know that. But anyhow, you will be winning this competition. (Ha-rin blushed at this)
Seo-jun: Well there's good news for you Ha-rin!

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