Episode 8: Bye Past, New Start

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Setting: Yonsei High School
Soon the break ended and the activity class began...

Ms. Shin: Good afternoon class! Today all the students who want to enroll in dance and singing for the Annual day and other competitions can submit their names.

Ha-rin's eyes twinkled the moment she heard about dancing and singing! These hobbies were her passion and thus, it took not time for her to raise her hand!

Ms. Shin: What is your name dear?
Ha-rin: Kim Ha-rin Miss.
Ms. Shin: Seems like you are a new student! Well you may come to the dance room after class to give your trials.
Ha-rin: Okay ma'am! 
Ms. Shin: Well if everyone is done submitting their names, let's go to the music room and have some fun!? (Everyone cheered and therefore, they all headed towards the music room)
Ms. Shin: Okay so today you guys will perform some singing? Who would like to give a boost to today's session?

Ha-rin and Il-deung glanced at each other as their mind worked in a sync. She whispered a song name to Il-deung to which he nodded. Soo-ah recognized the song name and looked at both of them and processed what was happening.

Soo-ah: Can I join you guys? Even I know that song and I can play it on keyboard!
Ha-rin: Sure! (Then Soo-ah immediately stood up and went to Ms. Shin and whispered something)
Ms. Shin: Sure! The stage is all yours!

Ha-rin took the mic; Il-deung took the guitar and sat on a chair beside Ha-rin while Soo-ah took her place with the keyboard. Soon Ha-rin started her melodious singing and the other two started playing their instruments passionately. All of them were in a perfect rhythm. Seo-jun was admiring them from behind, wishing he could join them too. The perfect performance ended when everyone cheered and passed a round of applause for them! They all sat back on their seats and that's when Ha-rin purposely sat beside Seo-jun as she whispered close to him.

Ha-rin: How did we perform? (Seo-Jun just blankly looked at her and stepped out of the room. Ha-rin was about to go behind Seo-jun but her steps halted as she heard Ms Shin calling her name)
Ms. Shin: Wait Ha-rin! Where are you going? Did you forget about your trials?
Ha-rin: No ma'am I didn't forget. I...I just was going to pack my things and come back with my bag.
Ms. Shin: Okay go and come fast! 

Ha-rin rushed down to her class to find that everyone has left already. She took her belongings and headed towards the locker hallway where she found Seo-jun taking his things from his locker.

Ha-rin: Seo-jun why did you suddenly leave that too without answering me? 

Seo-Jun took his things and aggressively closed the locker being so done of avoiding her. He held her hand and dragged her to an empty hallway.

Seo-jun: Why do you always keep bothering me? (He harshly let go of her hand)
Ha-rin: Because we are friends right?
Seo-jun: Why do you want to be friends with a person like me? (He asked as he started stepping closer to her)
Ha-rin: Because I see the real side of you; the caring and the sensitive side of you which others don't!
Seo-jun: How can you know so much about me, huh?
Ha-rin: I wish I knew the answer myself. (At this, he pinned her to the wall)
Seo-jun: Listen! If you don't have a death wish, stay away from me! I am just a curse! 
Ha-rin: No Seo-jun, no one in this world is born as a curse. You are just thinking about whom you lost. Think about whom you still have! Think about your friends; Soo-ah, Mr. Han, Il-deung, me...
Seo-jun: How can you still call me your friend after what all I did to you? 
Ha-rin: How could I not? First, you always let me land in your arms. Second, when you brought me food. Third, when you helped Soo-ah with her studies. Fourth, when you notice the lil' things. Fifth, the concern in your eyes whenever I'm hurt. Sixth, when you took me to the nurse room and a tear drop fell from your eyes. If this all wasn't your concern, why did that tear drop fell?
Seo-jun: Do you always have your eyes on me or... what? (He inquired coming close)
Ha-rin: I...I... (She didn't have an answer so she started to stutter)
Seo-jun: Tell me. (Neither his questions stopped, nor his steps)
Ha-rin: Listen, it's just that, I am not blind. Stop blaming yourself for everyone's misfortune! No one can change the destiny and you aren't responsible for anyone's hardships or...
Seo-jun: And if I say that I won't stop blaming myself? (His voice held genuine fear as a tear slid down from his eyes which was drowned in pessimism) 
Ha-rin: Well, you eventually will...
Seo-jun: And what makes you so confident?
Ha-rin: You really want to know? (She asked even though she had no answer)
Seo-jun: Mm hmm.

His steps once again began to move closer to her while her eyes searched for a solution. Out of nowhere, she wrapped his arms around him and embraced him securely.. Her sudden action made him speechless but his heart rate soon went back to normal...

Ha-rin: We all will cling on to you like this and won't leave you until you stop avoiding us and stop blaming yourself!
Seo-jun: Fine, you win... (As soon as she heard his words she broke the hug)
Ha-rin: So no more avoiding! No more blaming! (He nodded as if a pet obeying to his owner) Good boy! Well I shall go now! 
Seo-jun: Thank you Ha-rin for taking me out of this guilt!
Ha-rin: Thank you for being convinced and giving yourself another chance!

Soon enough, Ha-rin left, went for her trials and easily passed them. She then visited the hospital...

Setting: Seoul City Hospital
Ha-rin was sitting beside her mother with her head placed on her hand...

Ha-rin: Mom! You know, I got selected in the School Annual Performance group!
So-hyun: I knew it! I know how passionate you are towards your talents! I wish you all the best for all your future performances! By the way, did you make any friends?
Ha-rin: Yes I did! I have two new best friends! Oh reminding me of best friends, I forgot to tell you that Il-deung joined the high school as well!
So-hyun: What? Il-deung joined your high school? Didn't he go to Canada?
Ha-rin: Long story mom!
So-hyun: Well bring all of them to meet me someday...
Ha-rin: Sure mom! Well now I shall head back! Meet you soon... (She hugged her mom as her mom did the same with all her heart)
So-hyun: Take care princess! 
Ha-rin: You too! Bye Mom! 

Next Day
Setting: Yonsei High school
-Ha-rin, Soo-ah and Il-deung were seated on their place when Seo-jun entered
Soo-ah: Good Morning Seo-junah! (She greeted him as he passed from her seat)
Seo-jun: Good Morning! (He replied back even though he still had his poker face on)

Ha-rin smiled whereas the whole class was awestruck! "Han Seo-jun greeted Good Morning?!"

 Soo-ah: From where did the sun rise today?
Il-deung: Yah Cupcake! You're behind this, aren't you? (He whispered to her)
Soo-ah: How did you do it?
Ha-rin: With a little bit of magic! (She whispered back with a smile)

Ha-rin then looked at Seo-jun which he noticed but didn't look back, afraid to let his smile show. Soon the class ended... All the four friends were left alone in the class

Soo-ah: Yah you guys! I have an idea!
Ha-rin: What is it Soo-ah?
Soo-ah: Let's form a study group! (She suggested hopefully)
Ha-rin: Well I'm in! I need to improve in math anyways!
Il-deung: I am in too! (How could he deny when Ha-rin agreed already)
Soo-ah: What about you Seo-jun! Well why am I even asking?! I am pretty sure you wouldn't want to be a part right? (She sarcastically conveyed)
Seo-jun: I am in too. (No expression but pure excitement)
Soo-ah: Okay so from tomorrow, we all will meet in the library in the Sinchon alley at 8 pm!
(They all nodded in agreement)

-Like this, everything was going fine until...

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