Episode 12: Her Hurting Silence

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Setting: The Library

Ha-rin was looking for a book to get ideas for the storyline they could form. She, as usual, was in the 'Romance section'. She finally found the book she was looking for.
Ha-rin: Found it! (As soon as she reached out to get that book, someone at the same time held her hand from behind wanting the same book. She looked at the person) You? Here?
-It was none other than Seo-jun! They both were looking at each other for some seconds when Ha-rin quickly pulled her hand out)
Seo-jun: Why? Why can't I be here? (He asked with his usual cold tone) Is there any problem?
Ha-rin: No, no! Of course not! The library does not belong to me. (She said while looking down, a little panicked)
Seo-jun: So did you want this book? (He said while holding the book in front of her)
Ha-rin: N...no. (She said while still looking down)
Seo-jun: Then why did you reach out for it? (He asked while raising an eyebrow)
Ha-rin: It's nothing. (She turned around to leave but Seo-jun held her arm and pulled her back)
Seo-jun: Do you want this book?
Ha-rin: I said I don't want. (She said while stuttering as she didn't wanted to face him)
Seo-jun: Ha-rin, why are you ignoring me? Did I do something wrong?
Ha-rin: Seo-jun let me go, it's getting late!
Seo-jun: Why won't you answer me? (He asked politely but Ha-rin just kept quite. He loosened his grip on her arm signaling her to leave)
-Ha-rin was leaving when Seo-jun called her. She stopped but didn't turn around. Seo-jun walked up to her and stood in front of her while her eyes were still on floor.
Seo-jun: Here! (He gently held her hand and placed the book on it) Good night. (He said as he wanted her to look at him. As he wanted, she actually looked at him being shocked)
Ha-rin: G..Good Night! (She said and left the library quickly)

Next Day
Setting: Seoul High School
-Ha-rin and Soo-ah were in the cafeteria grabbing food when Seo-jun and Il-deung entered there. Their aura looked so dominating and charismatic. All the girls drooled over them while Ha-rin and Soo-ah just rolled their eyes at their behavior. They took their seats. Soon the boys, being their best friends, came to sit with them. Some students adored their group while others felt jealous.
Student 1: Their group is just amazing.
Student 2: I agree, a group with two couples! So romantic, right?
Student 3: Yeah, Seo-jun and Ha-rin! Il-deung and Soo-ah!
Student 4: What? I thought it was the other way around. Il-deung and Ha-rin! Seo-jun and Soo-ah!
??? : Can't you guys shut your mouth!? Couples, my foot! I bet this is all just show off. (A girl spoke being pissed off at their talks as she was obsessed with Seo-jun)
-The group was listening to all the gossips. The girls of the group felt very uncomfortable. The boys thought to comfort them.
Il-deung: Don't listen to their nonsense. These people have nothing to do themselves so they just spread fake rumours and enjoy the show.
Seo-jun: He is right. Don't let anyone's hate, drama or negativity get the best of you. Remember, just ignore negativity and shine like a star like you girls are.
Soo-ah: I am glad to see such a sweet change in you. A person who used to be so negative is helping us to ignore the same. All thanks to Ha-rin! (Seo-jun looked at Ha-rin, trying to make an eye contact but failed. Instead she looked at Il-deung who started to speak)
Il-deung: "All thanks to Ha-rin" huh? I see! (He said sarcastically on which the girls chuckled whereas Seo-jun was confused about Ha-rin's actions on why she was ignoring him)
Ha-rin: Well guys I was thinking that why don't we complete our assignment this weekend! We have two days. Today we can finalize the song and the storyline and tomorrow we can film our video. (She said making the other two excited while Seo-jun thought why she was doing such)
Seo-jun: But Ha-rin, what about the café? (Asked with a cold tone)
Ha-rin: Yesterday I applied for a leave. (She said avoiding the eye contact, completing her food)
Seo-jun: (in mind) I wish you would look at me for the least.
-the bell rang and the four friends met at the library.

Setting: The Library
-in the evening, all the friends gathered in the library. The boys already reached. When the girls arrived, Seo-jun looked Ha-rin, trying to gesture her to sit beside him but Soo-ah sat beside him. Ha-rin went to sit beside Il-deung.
Ha-rin: So let's start the discussion. What suggestions did you guys bring?
Soo-ah: I thought of taking the second song as it signifies girl power.
Ha-rin: We can't take one sided song as we do have our boys as well.
Soo-ah: Well they can play the role of villains; I mean they are good at acting cold anyways. (She said making the boy's expression like "are you kidding me") okay jokes aside, Ha-rin is right.
Ha-rin: Well, Buttercup what do you think?
Il-deung: I think we should take the third song. It's about high school love story and we can film it easily as well. (Ha-rin hummed thinking about what he said)
Seo-jun: No! We won't take the third song. (He spoke immediately. Well that was because the song consisted of a couple and he was afraid that Ha-rin and Il-deung will enact them)
Il-deung: Why not?
Ha-rin: Wait guys, don't start an argument. Well he is right. We can't take the third song as we don't have the set for it. (Seo-jun sighed in victory) Well I think we must take the first song. The song represents many emotions and it is easy to film as well. We can take the nature and some public roads as a set. We will film the video in an aesthetic way to justice the title.
Soo-ah: I loved the idea. Seo-jun and Kiyomi will sing the song and Il-deung and I will play the instruments. For the cast, hmm... (She started to think on who to cast in the video)
Ha-rin: Why don't we decide the cast tomorrow!? Well we'll meet in the park tomorrow as we will film the video then. I have all the necessary makeup items. Boys, bring a set of every type of outfit you have. Bring your lunch with you as we will be going in a park to film the video. (She said as she closed her laptop after typing all their discussions in it)
Il-deung: You sure seem like a captain to me!
Soo-ah: Yup and a cute one! (She said pinching her cheeks gently)
Ha-rin: Yah you guys, stop making me shy. (She said playfully hitting Il-deung) Well good night guys.
Soo-ah and Il-deung: Good night to you too! (They wished back)
Seo-jun: Good night Ha-rin. (almost like a whisper)

Next day
Setting: Blossom Park
-Ha-rin, being a punctual pie, reached at the sight first. She was wandering in the park taking pictures and deciding places where they could film. While she was walking around a tree, she felt something on her shoulder. She froze on her spot and was terrified. She was fearfully about to look at what was it but before that she heard a voice from behind.
Il-deung: Cupcake, don't look!
Ha-rin: Buttercup? What is it?
Il-deung: It's a big spider!! 

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