Episode 17: Love Maybe!?

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Setting: Sinchon Alley
- Ha-rin was heading towards her home being deep in her thoughts. Her lips trembled at the thought of a person. Unfortunately, that person was actually standing outside Ha-rin's house, waiting for her.
??? : (dark chuckle) Ha-rin dear, what are you thinking about? (A drunken man blocking Ha-rin's way said in a very creepy way. Ha-rin started shivering. With much courage, she barely managed to look up only to see the person in front of her smirking like a maniac. She gasped in fear)
Ha-rin: M..Mr. Yoon!? (She barely managed to speak. Her voice was low and filled with fear)
Mr. Yoon: Yes dear! Why did you make me wait so long? You see, I am completely wasted! (He said while taking his unsteady but dangerous steps towards her. She backed off) I am pretty sure that you are very well aware of my presence, aren't you?
Ha-rin: M...Mr. Yoon, please forgive me. I will return all your money back as decided. There are still some hours left right. I will...
Mr. Yoon: Oh my dear Ha-rin, what will you manage in a few hours? Give up already and come to me as decided. I will keep you as my princess. (Ha-rin was disgusted even at a thought of something like this. She wanted to cry, she was terrified. Yoon didn't halt his steps)
Ha-rin: P...Please Mr. Yoon, give me a little more time. (Her heart was panic-stricken. She wanted to urge her legs to run away from that monstrous man)
Mr. Yoon: Oh no my dear. I just can't let you go this time. (He brought his hand towards her face when Ha-rin tightly shut her eyes and tears slid down her cheeks)
- Just when his hand was about to meet Ha-rin's cheek, the hand was twisted and a vigorous punch landed on the shameless man's face. The man cried in pain and fell back. Ha-rin's moist eyes opened at the old man's cry. She immediately looked at the person who was responsible and it was her savior, Seo-jun. She covered her mouth and wept silently. Seo-jun came near her and caressed her hair.
Seo-jun: Are you fine? Are you hurt? (He asked with concern. Ha-rin, in a flash, hugged him)
-Seo-Jun's heart filled with sympathy for her but at the same time he was infuriated. He glared at the man. The man still had the audacity to smirk at them. Seo-jun's eyes darkened. He slowly broke the hug and with one hand on Ha-rin's waist, he made her stand behind her. He approached the man.
Seo-jun: How dare you?! (He asked while roughly holding his collar. Ha-rin held his arm to stop him)
Ha-rin: Seo-jun leave him. (Yoon grinned. Seo-jun tightened his grip))
Mr. Yoon: Such a pure girl who still begs for me.
Seo-jun: Just shut that damn mouth. Who are you and why? Why are you bothering her? (He roared with anger in his voice)
Mr. Yoon: Didn't this girl tell you already? (Chuckle) I am Yoon Jang Soo, her mother's step brother. This ungrateful girl approached me for my money which I generously gave it to her. Now when it's time to return my money back, your girl is going back on her word.
Seo-jun: You are lying. There is something you must have done to her that she is just so petrified because of you. You probably must not be such a humble man that she needs to be scared of you. Also, how greedy of you. She won't eat your money that you were ready to fall on such a shameless level. (Seo-jun's frustration, anger and disgust could easily be seen in his words and actions. He was almost choking the man.)
Ha-rin: Seo-jun please, let go of him. (She begged but he wasn't ready to leave him so easily)
Seo-jun: What do you want? Your money, right? (He took his phone out and handed it to him) Your account number and the amount! Right now! (He yelled)
-the man just rolled his eyes taking the phone and entering the details. By now, he understood that there is no point in having a duel with Seo-jun as he is not in his right wits. Genuinely, Seo-jun's anger and bravery kinda scared him.
Yoon: Here, now for God's sake let go of my collar and fly away with your girl.
-Seo-Jun was triggered to his limit. He brutally punched the man and he fell down, probably passed out. Then Seo-jun looked at Ha-rin. She was shivering, sobbing, and covering her mouth. He slowly approached her while taking off his jacket. When he was right in front of her, he gently wrapped his jacket around her and pulled her closer. Ha-rin looked at him.
Ha-rin: S...Seo-jun w...what are...
Seo-jun: Shh, let's go inside first. (They both slowly went inside Ha-rin's home)
-after going inside, Seo-jun made Ha-rin sit on the bed, bent down to take off her shoes and lay her down to bed.
Ha-rin: S...Seo-jun listen to m... (She was cut off yet again)
Seo-jun: Sleep now, we will talk tomorrow. I will leave. (He was about to leave but Ha-rin held his arm and looked at him with innocent eyes)
Seo-jun: Ha-rin, have some rest. We will talk tomorrow. (He said with his warmest voice ever, directly looking deep in her eyes. He slowly took off his hand from hers and softly laid a blanket on her. Lastly he caressed her head and then left)
-Ha-rin first thought that she wouldn't be able to sleep because of her past memories but when she thought about Seo-jun and how he cared for her today, she slowly felt asleep in his memories.
Next Day
-the sunlight lovingly hit Ha-rin's sleeping face as if asking her to wake up. Ha-rin slowly opened her eyes and got off from the bed. She was not feeling very well so she decided to not to got school. She lazily dragged herself into the bathroom and brushed her teeth. While brushing she stared onto her reflection in the mirror.
Ha-rin: Dear Ha-rin, you have to forget everything and move on now. Don't be sad anymore okay!?
-After washing her face, she first went to kitchen to cook some ramyeon for her and then switched on the T.V. She started to watch an emotional and romantic k-drama. Before starting the k-drama she brought her bowl of ramyeon. She carefully watched the drama while sipping up the noodles. Her focus wavered when she got reminded of last night.
Ha-rin: Last night, Seo-jun behaved just like this male lead. Why though? (She was literally thinking how heroically Seo-jun saved her. Also how sweetly he took off her shoes. How cozily he tucked her up inside the blanket and then how romantically he looked in her eyes and said her name) I must be crazy! It's not like he feels for me or does he? (Ha-rin suddenly gasped and covered her mouth) What if really loves... No, no. I am just over thinking. I must just take a bath.
On the other hand
Setting: Yonsei High School
-Soo-ah was looking for Il-deung. She was in the locker hallway when a girl wished her good morning.
Soo-ah: Good Morning!
She replied her while looking back. Due to this she just bumped into the person right in front of her. She was about fall but that person held her by her waist and pulled her closer. Soo-ah was shocked and just kept looking into his eyes while blinking.
Soo-ah: Il-deung. (She said slowly while he just gave her a cold expression. He raised one of his eyebrows. Soo-ah failed to understand its meaning though. Il-deung came close to her ear while Soo-ah's breath hitched. He whispered)
Il-deung: Have you fallen for me? Is that why you have decided to stay in my arms or?
-Soo-ah mentally face palmed herself and then tried to get back on her feet. But at that moment, a student who was running from Il-deung's direction knocked against them. It caused Il-deung to fall over Soo-ah. He placed a hand behind her head so that she wouldn't get hurt. They both looked into each other eyes. Soo-ah innocently looked at him while Il-deung's expression was unrecognizable.
Seo-jun: Il-deung, Il... (Seo-jun entered the locker hallway looking for Il-deung but he stopped on his tracks after witnessing the scene in front of him. After hearing Seo-jun's voice, reality hit both of them. They instantly broke their eye contact and stood up on their feet. Seo-jun just fake coughed) Il-deung can you come with me?
Il-deung: Hmm. (He hummed coldly and followed Seo-jun. While going he glanced at Soo-ah who was all red. He smirked and disappeared from her sight)
-Seo-jun and Il-deung came behind the school.
Il-deung: What is it?
Seo-jun: Haven't Ha-rin come today?
Il-deung: Nope.
Seo-jun: Do you know the reason?
Il-deung: Why?
Seo-jun: Nothing special.
Il-deung: Well she called me up in the morning saying she isn't feeling very well so she decided to not come today.
Seo-jun: Hmm.
Il-deung: By the way, as you asked about Ha-rin, haven't you noticed that she's been acting a little disturbed lately?
Seo-jun: From now on, she won't. (He said blankly while he smirked mentally) Anyways, I'm leaving. (He was about to leave but)
Il-deung: Were you with her last night? (Seo-jun stopped and his smirk faded away)
Seo-jun: Why?
Il-deung: By any chance... (Il-deung slowly walked in front of Seo-jun)...do you love my cupcake? (He asked boldly with his one eyebrow raised)
Seo-jun: (scoff) Maybe... I do ... Love "Your" cupcake! 

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