Episode 11: A Bit Of Bliss

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Setting: Yonsei High School
Ha-rin was seated on the dance floor questioning about the existence of her unknown and twisted feelings.

Ha-rin: What has happened to me? What is this feeling that I am not able to understand? Where will I get the answers to my questions? What should I do?
Il-deung: What you should do is come with me. Come on, get up Cupcake. (She first looked at his hand and then at him who was signaling her to come with him. She got up while taking his hand as at that moment, he seemed nothing less than an angel to her) Good girl!
Ha-rin: What are you doing here so early? (He just smiled at her question and took her away from there)
Seo-jun: Why do I feel this way whenever I see them together, when I know they are just childhood friends? Or are they...? (he looked at both of them while clenching his fists)

Il-deung took Ha-rin to their empty classroom where he sat beside her, wiping all her tears and sweat softly, using a handkerchief...

Ha-rin: What happened buttercup?
Il-deung: You tell me. 
Ha-rin: Nothing. 
Il-deung: You know you can't keep anything from me! Tell me what's wrong? (He slightly held her chin and made her look in his eyes)
Ha-rin: That's the problem. Even I don't know the problem, but I know there is one... Why, why does that happen every time? Why can't... (Her eyes were teary, her voice was weary) I just need some time to be myself again...
Il-deung: Whatever your decision is, just know that you are never alone. Remember, if I had to ever choose between the moon and you, it would always be you... (He held her hands as he recited his heart warming promises, consoling Ha-rin)

Soon it was time for the class to begin and thus one by one, students started to enter followed by the teacher. Il-deung returned to his seat as he passed a smile towards his Cupcake.

Soo-ah: Good Morning Kiyomi! You know... wait were you crying? 
Ha-rin: No! Why would I cry?
Soo-ah: Yah don't lie! 
Ha-rin: I'm not... just missing someone...

It was obvious that Ha-rin won't be admitting the truth but what made her say that she was missing someone? Was it just a pure excuse or a twisted truth?

Mr. Choi: Good morning students! Today I have some important announcements to make so please, may I have all your attention towards my words! First, kindly submit your assignments. (He started to announce the pairs one by one) Han Seo-jun and Kim Ha-rin? 

They both looked at each other. Ha-rin questioned him with her eyes about the assignment. He nodded conveying that he has brought it. He walked up to the teacher and submitted it. The teacher seemed pleased.

Mr. Choi: Good work Seo-jun and Ha-rin! I am impressed! In fact, I am happy seeing all of your assignments! I can see your efforts in these. As a reward, for the next assignment, you all can form your groups by your own. (Everyone cheered) But there are a few rules. A group should have a maximum of 4 people. No one should end up coming up to me saying that he or she has been left out. No unnecessary disputes and the assignment will be handed next week. Based on the topic, you all can either make a model or a skit; it's completely your choice. All the best and I hope I will get to see some creative creations. You guys can start teaming up.

With that, Soo-ah, Seo-jun and Il-deung gathered close up to Ha-rin as if they were already destined to be a team.

Soo-ah: I guess it is very obvious we are a team already right?
Il-deung: Looks like someone's wish came true! 
Soo-ah: Ha-rin, what are your thoughts about the topic?
Ha-rin: I guess we can make a visual recreation of any one of the songs. We will write a story line based on the lyrics of the chosen song. To make it look more independent, we can be the singers as well by re-singing the song. What y'all think?
Soo-ah: Oh my, for how long have been preparing for this? (She was genuinely amazed)
Seo-jun: Soo-ah's right. I love the idea too!
Il-deung: Well if you guys didn't know, actually Ha-rin always wanted to be an idol. Her passion had never once perished in such activities. 
Soo-ah: Ah I see. 
Ha-rin: I guess we can talk about me later; the assignment should be our focus point from now! 
Seo-jun: Well today after reaching our homes, we will think about the song choices and bring suggestions on which song we must choose. (Everyone agreed)

While they were discussing about the topics, Ms. Shin entered the class.

Ms. Shin: Kim Ha-rin? (Ha-rin stood up)
Ha-rin: Yes Ms. Shin.
Ms. Shin: Ha-rin can you come with me for a moment? 
Ha-rin: Sure ma'am! I'll be back guys! (She whispered to her friends)
Seo-jun and Il-deung: Take care! (They both spoke at the same time)
Soo-ah: You guys, she's not going to a war! She's within the school premises only! 

Ms. Shin took Ha-rin to the Principal's cabin. Sweat broke out over Ha-rin's face, thinking that why has she been brought here. Did she do something wrong? When she entered the cabin, she saw Mr. Choi also present there.

Ms. Shin: Good Afternoon Sir. Sir, she's Kim Ha-rin, the girl I was talking about.
Principal: Oh. So your name is Ha-rin. I heard Ms. Shin and Mr. Choi appreciating you, your work and your dancing a lot.
Ha-rin: Thank you sir and ma'am.
Principal: Well I have called you here to inform something. We are going on a camp trip. The date is not decided yet but there will be a festival taking place there. Many CEOs from different television companies visit it as chief guests. Our school has participated and won in a lot of cultural competitions. This year also, we have participated and your name is given in the Theatre Round. It's like a performance including singing, dancing and stage presence. Mr. Choi told me about the idea you were discussing today with your friends. If I liked the final result of the assignment, I will be sure to select you. So are you interested in participating?

Ha-rin was mesmerized listening to his words. She was so glad that she couldn't even speak a word. She was the perfect of definition of what is called to be "speechless".

Principal: If you want, you can take your time and submit your decisi...
Ha-rin: I would love to participate sir!!! (She immediately spoke, not wanting to let go of the golden opportunity, platinum in her case) I mean I'm interested.
Principal: Sure. I want this enthusiasm in the competition as well. Work hard on your assignment and prove Ms. Shin and Mr. Choi right.
Ha-rin: Yes sir. Thank you so much Sir! Hope you have nice day ahead! (With that she bowed and left the cabin and went to her class.)
Ha-rin: Guys! Guys! Guys! I can't believe my name is submitted for the Theater Round in the Yearly camp, K-pop Talent festival!!! (at that moment, she was on top of the clouds)
Soo-ah: What? That's exemplary! Congrats girl! (She pulled her into a tight hug)
Il-deung: I knew it! (Ha-rin pounced upon him like a lil' kid, who does the same when he or she receive their favorite candy) I'm proud of you Cupcake!
Seo-jun: Well looks like God is actually making wishes come true. (She blushed. She would have loved to hug him as well but she couldn't because every time she saw him, the girls' gossips, the library and the hallway scene played in her mind like a horror movie, making her retreat)

Setting: The Library
Ha-rin was looking for a book to get ideas for the story line inspiration for their assignment. She, as usual, was in the 'Romance section'.

Ha-rin: Found it!!! (The moment she reached out to get that book, someone held her hand from behind. She turned to looked at the person) You? Here?

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