Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Niall's POV

I groaned slightly as I turned over, I hadn't had a very good night, I kept having horrible nightmares. I didn't like having Harry next to me, I felt safe next to him, like nothing bad could happen to me. It was a little uneasy sleeping in this huge bed, usually I was snuggled up to Harry, but not now, I couldn't feel the same warmth next to me as I usually did, I frowned slightly and opened my eyes, looking over at the empty space next to me.

I teared up and sat up in bed, this wasn't right at all, Harry really should have been back by now but he wasn't. I quickly got out of bed and grabbed some clothes, quickly changing into them, I needed to find Harry. I was having a bit of a freak out though, I really needed to have Harry back beside me, but I knew I couldn't do this all alone.

I wiped my eyes and grabbed my phone, there was only one person I could call, Liam. Liam was always going to be the calm one, he would know what to do, but if Harry was missing then I wanted the boys here with me. I bit my lip and shakily dialled Liam's number, pressing the phone to my ear gently, Liam picked up after a few rings.

"Hey Niall!" Liam said brightly "How are things going over there?"

"H-Harry's missing." I stuttered out and wiped my tears "W-we fought last night. He left but he said he'd be back! Liam, I'm scared!"

"Okay Ni, calm down." Liam said gently "Me and the boys will be on the next possible flight. In the meantime, try looking for Harry."

I nodded even though Liam couldn't see, I was too upset to really think straight, Liam told me to be strong and that he'd see me soon. I said good bye to him and hung up, I needed to go see Hayden, he was the only one that could help me. I tucked my phone in my pocket and bit my lip, grabbing one of Harry's beanies and putting it on, hoping it would bring me good luck.

I headed out the bedroom and into the hall way, heading towards the front door, it was a little early but I was hoping Hayden would be up. I stepped out the house and headed down the path, making my way to Hayden's house, he was the only one who could help me find Harry right now. I scared of loosing Harry, He was everything to me, why did I have to make him upset? I know, using the person he got upset about is bad, but Hayden is the only one that knows the whole island.

I sighed and ruffled my hair, I wouldn't rest till I found Harry, I needed him next to me. Harry was the one who kept me happy, he was always there for me, he protected me when I needed him. Harry was my everything, I don't know what I'd do without him, that's why I needed him to be okay. I saw Hayden's house about thirty yards away, I could see him standing out front with his surf board, I broke into a run so I could get there quicker.

"Hayden!" I shouted as I reached him "H-Harry isn't back. He didn't show up last night."

"Okay Niall, calm down." Hayden said softly and came over to me "Let me get changed and grab me gear. We'll start looking for him."

I nodded and wiped my eyes, watching Hayden head up his front steps and into the house, I sniffled and sat down on the front steps. I heard my phone beep and pulled it out, Liam had just texted me, he was letting me know they were all on their way to the airport. I sniffled again, gently wiping my eyes, I didn't want to be alone while Harry was missing.

I heard Hayden's door open and turned around, looking towards the door, Hayden had a full backpack on his shoulder. I stood up and wiped more tears, I was getting pretty upset by this point, I just wanted Harry back next to me. Hayden came over to me and frowned slightly, his eyes making contact with mine, he could tell I was upset.

"Come on. . .We'll find him." Hayden said and gently began guiding the way.

We just had to find Harry before something happened. . .

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