Then the bell rang. You let out a sigh and turned to Otohiko, "You headed to class?" You asked. Otohiko nodded and got up, "I can walk you to your class this time." Otohiko kindly offered but you shook your head and got up, "Nah my class is on the third floor. I'll walk you to class though." You smiled warmly. Otohiko nervously chuckled with pink tinted cheeks that matched his hair.

You and Otohiko walked out of the Nurse's office and Otohiko chatted with you about small things until you reached his class.


"It was nice talking to you." Otohiko twirled his hair around his index finger. You gave him a pat on the head, "Yeah you too. Let's talk again later." Otohiko nodded and entered his classroom. He closed the door behind him leaving you standing there by yourself.

"How cute." Past You said sarcastically. You rolled your eyes and walked past her. She followed after you. "Let me guess. They are all out to get me and I shouldn't be around them?" You asked. The Past You grinned, "Duh. I've been trying to tell you the entire time. But when they hurt your don't blame me."

"Well you're only a figment of my imagination.." Youade it to the stairway. You put your foot on each step and lifted yourself to the next. When you for to the too, Past You was already there. "Oh shut up. What if I'm just your conscience? Trying to tell you what you need to do. But your crazy ass won't listen." She crossed her arms. At this point you couldn't even argue back. So you just ignored her a d went to class.


It's the middle of class and Umeji can't take his eyes off you. He just kept staring at the back of your head. At your silky h/c hair. You on the other hand, didn't notice his gaze.

You couldn't even bother to focus on the lesson. Your mind keeps trailing off to random things but you feel too mentally drained to even think.

Umeji was thinking about how he invited you to go to the movies with him tomorrow. It was a cool new horror movie he expressed interest in but he was unsure if you'd like it. You seem like the type to enjoy gorey movies.
He felt really excited though nonetheless. He couldn't help but fantasize a bit. The thought of you getting started and holding onto his arm tightly.

Ugh.. Stop thinking such stupid things.

Umeji cringed in embarrassment. Normally he has control over his thoughts but when it comes to you.. He just can't help it. It feels good to think about those stupid corny things that couples do. He let out a loud groan and face planted right into his desk.

"Mr. Kizuguchi. Do you have something to say?" The teacher asked in a strict and offended tone. The blonde just sighed, "No." And said nothing else. The teacher rolled her eyes and went right back to her lesson.

Umeji stayed that way for about two minutes, listening to the annoying sounds of the teacher's voice alongside the cracking of a pen against paper.

Then a sudden paper ball hit him on the head and fell right onto his desk. He looked up to see your head turned to him and a cheeky grin on your face. His cheeks turned a nice pretty shade of pink and he looked to the paper ball. It reminded him of when he bugged you by throwing paper balls at you and passing notes.

Keeping a cool poker face, Umeji unraveled the paper ball and read the words.

"You okay? Looks like you got something on your mind. Can't stop thinking about me~?"

♥︎𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰♥︎ - {Umeji × Reader}Where stories live. Discover now