Chapter 56: So Begins Tartarus

Start from the beginning

"Students, each of you have made quite a bit of progress thanks to the training regimens assigned to you by your instructors." Herakles congratulated each of the students while looking in the gymnasium. "Some of you joined us late, but have made considerable progress. Today marks the beginning of Tartarus, during this period of time, training will be intensified tenfold to resemble a more traditional military than a school. You won't go on any missions during this time, instead focusing on training your own unique personal attributes."

"Personal attributes?" Hel asked before looking at Ned. "So you're gonna enhance Ned's love for tits?"

"I'm an ass man, you ghost." Ned scowled at the woman, who chuckled to herself.

"I mean attributes that make each of you special." Herakles looked around the room. "While there are only three official kinds of roles, tank, DPS, and support, they're ultimately umbrella terms. Not very helpful ones at that. Take Gaia for example, they're a tank just like Galahad Lake, yet the two couldn't be more different. Yet they fill the same role. It's an odd coincidence in life, isn't it?"

"Get to the point, old man!" Robin shouted, and Herakles shot the tactician a glare.

"Fine, I was just gonna say that you all should learn not to oppose each other in this class, but learn to put together your strengths to become invincible." Herakles pouted before pulling out a massive roll of paper and unfolding it in front of all the students. "Here's the list of the people who will train you all, have fun."

Herakles tossed the paper at the crowd, and Adrian was the person who grabbed the paper. The class crowded around Adrian to look at the paper as Herakles walked off and exited the gymnasium. The door closed, and in the corner of Jack's eye, he saw Herakles stop pouting and let a smile slip. The door closed before he could turn his head for a better look. Jack looked at the paper with the rest of the class.

West Gymnasium, Maui: TJ, Bruce
Science Room, Nikola: Leia, Robin, Zane, Molly, Eve, Othelia
Forest, Titania: Medea, Caroline, Damini, Gaia
Training grounds next to forge. Mansa: Thor, Galahad, Mifu, James, Hassan
Infirmary, Elizabeth: Lorelei, Saorise
Docks, Cheng: Ned, Luna, Mary, Goliath
Ritual Room, Vedmak: Rasputin, Freya
Magic Lab, Domovoy Brothers: Nico and Rico
Clearing in the Forest, Eddy and Maria: Juana, Angelo
Waterfall, Sobek: Hel, Valerie, Iris
Tip of Noon Mountain, Herakles: Matt, Catherine
In Dark Dark City, Geppetto: Alice
Sanctuary Tower, Everyone except Librarian: Hero
Sanctuary Library, Librarian: Jack

James examined the list. "Looks like I'm working with Mansa."

"What's the deal with these locations next to the names?" Freya wondered out loud.

"I guess that is where we are supposed to meet them?" Mifu made her guess known to the rest of the class.

"If that's the case, I'm heading over to the library." You opted to start walking to the library.

"Wait, Jack, before you go, before any of you go, let's all make a promise." Alice gathered everyone's attention while she clasped her right hand into a fist, then she stuck out her pinky. "Let's pinky promise each other that no matter how hard things get here, that we'll push through and defeat those threats."

"Wait, so normally pinky promises require us to hold onto each other's fingers, so do we all have to hold pinkies with everyone in here?" Galahad asked, and Alice shook her head.

"Nah, let's just all stand in a circle and aim our pinkies in the middle of it." Alice ordered, and everyone did just that. With everyone in a circle, they all bawled their right hands in a fist and stuck out their pinky fingers before aiming their fingers towards the middle. "Great, now, let's all graduate from this college together, not as a class, but as a team."

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