Party 🎉

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The celebration has started in the VR mansion. The hall was magnificently embellished and decorated . The Mafia couple were getting ready for the party . Ridhima stood in front of the mirror as she cautiously applied the liner on her upper lids. She did the same with her other eye.She was done with her makeup and only had jwellery to wear . She took the bangles kept on the dressing table and tried shoving it in her hands . While she did this , her husband came and stood behind her dressed in a black tuxudo.
He found his wife struggling to wear the bangles . Her cute and irritable expressions amused him as she tried wearing the bangles. His eyes never leaving her . "How beautiful she is "?, He thought . He glanced at her body
"She had gained weight",he affirmed .
Ans why wouldn't she when she had been pampered lavishly by her husband all these months .
He smiled . He have really gone too attached to his wife . His whole life is dependent on her . She is his only family . He sighed .
The previous few months have been terrible for the couple.Vansh lost his hope of ever getting ridhima's love by her will. But fortunately everything went normal again . In fact it's better than even . Ridhima accpeted him as her husband. But vansh insecurities were growing more than ever as he feared losing her . He was scared of anyone again trying to instigate her against him. Though he will always keep her fettered to him with or without her will but he desires her true love and care for him. Only him.
Those weeks spent without her ally were hell to him .He realised that he needed her to accept him. He cannot imagine living like that again . Living without his wife's love .
He has become manicaly possessive about her . His obsession with his wife has grown so much that for once, he thought of caging her at a different place ,away from the mansion with no human interaction ever .She would see no human but only him. He was certain about doing that but was stopped by angre who made him  understood that it would be unfair of him to treat her this way.  It will scare her and she might again start to  hate him. Moreover , she loves her aunt dearly . She will not be able to survive without seeing her . He controlled himself from doing so. Ridhima who saw her husband lost in her own thoughts called for has attention.

"What's wrong vansh? Where are you lost ,Any problem ? , Ridhima asked seriously. Vansh smiled and moved towards her . He took the bangles she was struggling to wear and made her wear smoothly.
"You are so beautiful. That's the problem.", vansh remarked cheesily to which Ridhima rolled her eyes . And why wouldn't she ,it was the third time since the morn he has repeated the same thing to her .
She pushed him aside and asked him ,Will I look good while dancing in this saree ?"

"Yes . You will ,darling ", Vansh said joyfully as he thought he was going to be presented with a dance by his nymph .He sat eagerly on the bed with a naughty smirk on his face . Rihdhima was confused.

"Why did you sit on the bed ? Don't we have to reach early in the party ",Ridhima asked him innocently.

"You were going to dance for me ,na . I am waiting for it ",Vansh spoke with a frown on his face .

"No Vansh, I wasn't going to dance for you . I will be dancing at the party along with others ", Ridhima declared unaware of what torcher is she subjecting her husband too . Vansh in no way would let his wife dance in front of so many males .
His hands clutched the bedsheet angrily in his grip and got up from the bed hastily. He went near rihdhima and said authoritatively," You are not going to dance ,Ridhima ". Ridhima was shocked at his sudden expression.

"But why vansh? Dadi told me to . It's a ritual that the new daughter in law will have to follow . Even I love dancing . And I will not be dancing alone . I will have others with me too. Please ,I really want to ", Rihdhima pleased with her innocent eyes which was melting him down . But he was adamant about his decision. No one can see his wife dancing. He cannot abide other men seeing her moves and tunrs . Only he can see it .

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