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Name: Orion Everett

Nickname(s): O, Ryan, Oreo (playfully), star, my star boy (affectionately by mother and love interest), Ori, Golden boy (in reference to his personality being like that of a Golden Retriever.), my Golden Retriever (love interest only) etc...

Age: 16 +

Gender: male

Sexuality: gay (closeted)


Personality: Orion is a bright eyed and cheery person with a lot of love to give

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Personality: Orion is a bright eyed and cheery person with a lot of love to give. He's a positive person and brings a cheer about the room. He's got a sunny disposition. Often being compared to a Golden Retriever with the way he is. Though he does know that not everything is sunshine and rainbows. He's had his fair share of issues in life. Orion holds grudges easily and for awhile. He doesn't forgive easily though if/when he does it means he really trusts you. He can be a bit oblivious sometimes especially when it comes to love. He doesn't pick up on cues easily and can be kind of dense that way. Orion however is very loyal to those he loves and is close with. He'll stick by their side no matter what. More often then not he gets taken advantage of and used. Thus when he's hurt by someone he takes things hard. He feels intensely and sometimes his emotions overwhelm him causing a breakdown. He can be quite vulnerable during these times. He can also get jealous a bit easily. Especially when it comes to his love interest being with someone else or even being flirted with. Sometimes it seems like Orion has two left feet. As he tends to be pretty clumsy and has tripped numerous times. Like more times then he can count.

Likes: the outdoors, playing tourney, his friends, when he gets along with his sister, being a good and helpful person, reading, swimming

Dislikes: people flirting with his love interest, bad fights, being taken advantage of, mushy textures, not getting along with his sister, storms, Audrey being evil


Parents/family: Aurora (mother), Phillip (father), King Stefan (maternal grandfather), King Hubert (paternal grandfather), Queen Leah (maternal grandmother), Audrey (fraternal twin sister)

Friends: Evie, Mal, Jay, Carlos, Audrey (for the most part), Ben, Jane, Lonnie, Chad Charming (formerly) etc...

Enemies: Maleficent, those who are truly evil, Chad Charming etc...

Powers: none

Crush: Ben Beast

Fears/phobias: being outed, being rejected/blood, small confined spaces

Strengths: kind, a ray of sunshine, playful, sweet

Weaknesses: a bit dense with love, kind of easy to take advantage of, can be clumsy

Pet: Ophelia the Boston Terrier and mini Bull Terrier mix

Backstory: Orion grew up with his twin sister Audrey by his side

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Backstory: Orion grew up with his twin sister Audrey by his side. The two have always been like two peas in a pod. Their mother often doted on Orion being he's the younger of the two. He struggled more at birth and nearly didn't make it. Though she of course gave the kids as much equal attention as possible. He was truly a mama's boy unable to sleep without a story and his plush. As he grew he was always outside getting dirty and just being one with nature. His optimism and zest for life never failing to amaze his family. At six he was accidentally pushed down the stairs by Audrey. She had gotten excited almost falling and bumped into him. This resulted in a broken arm and concussion for him. He held a grudge against her for about a day before she told him what really happened. After that they were friends again. As Orion entered his teen years he began to realize he wasn't ever looking at the girls or fantasizing about them. It was the boys who drew his attention specifically Ben Beast aka Prince Ben aka future King of Auradon Ben. He couldn't keep his eyes off the handsome prince. Those brown eyes and warm smile melted his heart. However Orion's been too terrified to come out. Afraid of retaliation and backlash especially from those he loves. He knows how his grandmother Queen Leah is. He did come out to Chad when they were friends. However Chad immediately showed disgust and called him names. He still secretly makes fun of him. Orion despite finding it difficult to do so let go of the friendship. He now holds a grudge against Chad because of this. Often the teasing reduces him to tears and mixed feelings about himself.

Other: he used to be crushing on Chad. That's why it hurt so much for him when Chad changed and turned on him. That's why ending the friendship they had killed him a little inside. He finds it embarrassing but he still sleeps with his plush. That's his bunny named Flopsy

 That's his bunny named Flopsy

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