Felix Benson

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Name: Felix Benson

Nicknames: Fe


Gender: Male

Sexuality: straight

Looks: Felix has brown slightly fluffy and messy hair. He has blue eyes like his mother and fair skin.

Personality: Felix unlike Freddie is more into sports to his mothers annoyance. Felix is a kind kid who knows how to play fair. Though he won't hesitate to play dirty if someone else does it first. He's immensely talented in soccer, basketball and wrestling. Felix is an encourager and often helps Freddie with his feelings. He'll actively encourage him to be himself and just live life. He's that shoulder to lean on. Felix can and will go against his mother much to her annoyance. He hates her strictness and all the crazy stuff she does. Felix also has a competitive side to him. He strives to do his best in games. He wants to win but isn't a sore loser.

Likes: Felix enjoys soccer, basketball and wrestling. He does all three having fun and being competitive. He likes hanging out with Sam, Carly and Freddie. He can be found with them most often. He'll even hang around to watch them film ICarly. Felix actually enjoys hanging out with Sam one on one. He understands her more then others do.

Dislikes: Felix can't stand when his mother does her crazy things. He just doesn't like those who are overbearing. He hates when others play dirty in sports to try and win. Felix doesn't really care for Freddie's tech talk as he doesn't really understand it.

Strengths: Sam, Freddie, sports

Weaknesses: Sam, Tech stuff, his mother

Fears/phobias: heights/ heights

Family: Marissa Benson (mother), Leonard Benson (father), Jennifer (aunt), Amanda (cousin), Susan (aunt), Freddie Benson (younger brother)

Friends:Sam, Carly, Gibby, Spencer

Enemies: Nevel Papperman, Nora Dershlit, Lewbert (occasionally), Jonah


Crush: Sam

Job: he currently works at a sports rec center for kids on the weekend.

Backstory: same as Freddie's.

Other: he is Freddie's older brother by a year.

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