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Name: Serenity Jordan Elsher

Nicknames: Ren, Ser, Enity (rarely), reni etc...

Age: same age as Liv and Maddie

Gender: female

Sexuality: demisexual demiromantic


Personality: Serenity is a positive and vivacious girl

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Personality: Serenity is a positive and vivacious girl. She always has a smile on her face and lives life to the fullest. Serenity has always been a dancer and rarely sings. It's something that brings her joy and countless memories. Serenity can be a bit stubborn at times though she just has to be worked down. Occasionally she'll follow through with things thus landing herself in trouble. Serenity is also prone to emotion rather easily. She tends to feel things more than others. Wether that be physically or mentally. Serenity is also rather clever and cheeky when she wants to be. A sly joke here and a cheeky remark there.

Likes: singing, dancing, hanging out with Liv and Maddie, her siblings at times, Holden

Dislikes: fighting with family and friends, injuries wether to her or someone else, blood, needles, hurting her friends, Artie

Strengths: positive and outgoing

Weaknesses: emotional and stubborn, faints at the sight of blood especially her own, needles

Fears/phobias: needles, blood/ needles and blood

Crush: Maddie Rooney (backup Holden)

Family: her mother Mary, her father Chris, twin younger brothers Alex and Max and her younger sister Riley

Friends: Liv, Maddie, Willow, Holden etc...

Enemies: Artie

Pet: her chocolate husky named Mousse

Pet: her chocolate husky named Mousse

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Backstory: WIP

Other: none

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