Juniper Oliver

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Name: Juniper Oliver

Nicknames: June, Juni, niper (Beck only), Oliver 2, Oliver the sequel (both by Beck)

Age: 16-17

Gender: female

Sexuality: demisexual

Looks: Juniper has dark brown hair much like her brothers. It's a little longer then breast length. She has brown eyes and olive toned skin. Juniper has a darker birthmark that is almost like a heart on her thigh.

Personality: Juniper is an amazingly talented person. She loves to sing and make music. It's something she often does in her spare time. Juniper can be quite blunt when wanted. She prefers to tell things like it is instead of beating around the bush. Juniper tends to be pretty flirty. Though she'll only be flirty to her SO (significant other) when she has one.

Likes: Juniper enjoys singing and making music. To her making songs is soothing and relaxing. She also likes late night walks just to clear her head. It's typically a quiet time when things are nice. Juniper loves most fruits and vegetables. This contributes to her love of gardening.

Dislikes: Juniper doesn't like when she gets stuck on lyrics. It becomes frustrating. People tend to compare her to Beck or people assume they're a couple. That grosses her out and annoys her. She's her own person. Juniper doesn't dislike cats but she's severely allergic to them.

Strengths: Juniper is a great singer and songwriter. She has a natural green thumb. Juniper is pretty brave and confident.

Weaknesses: Juniper is severely allergic to cats. She also is quite blunt.

Fears/phobias: stage fright/none

Family: Mr. Oliver (father), Mrs. Oliver (mother), Uncle "Barbara" (uncle), grandmother, Aunt, Beck Oliver (fraternal twin brother)

Friends: Tori, André, Cat, Robbie, Jade, Beck

Frenemies: Trina

Enemies: none

Crush: Jade West

How they got into Hollywood arts: she was heard singing for a kids party.

Backstory: WIP

Other: none

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