Girl Danger

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Name:Emerson Autumn Griffin ( secretly Manchester)

Nicknames: Em, Emmy, Autumn, Girl Danger

Age: 13-14 (S1), 14-15 (S2), 15-16 (S3), 16 (S4), 17-18 (S5)

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight

Looks: Dove Cameron

Personality: Emerson is a brave and courageous girl

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Personality: Emerson is a brave and courageous girl. She takes on challenges and doesn't let anyone doubt her. Emerson can be stubborn but usually for good reason. She often keeps Henry and sometimes Ray out of trouble. Despite being female she isn't any less capable then Captain Man and Kid Danger. She'll make that known if you even try to think of her as less. Emerson is also a sweetheart and helps anyone she can. That's how she got her job in the first place. Her sweet nature gives her an advantage out in the superhero world. Emerson uses her charm to her advantage and can trick someone easily. She's also a pretty good liar and manipulator.

Likes: Emerson's job is something she enjoys. She likes helping those in need. Making the world better one day at a time. She loves spending time with Charlotte, Henry and Jasper. Emerson always gets a laugh when she calms Piper down easily.

Dislikes: Emerson of course doesn't like villains. Her job is to put them behind bars. She knows injury can be part of the job but she doesn't like being injured. Emerson also can't stand Henry flirting with others or when they flirt with him/kid danger. Though she'll deny it and hide her feelings.

Strengths: Emerson is physically strong. Not only that but she is extremely flexible. This makes her able to manipulate her body in ways so she can escape or hide. Henry is also what keeps her going.

Weaknesses: Emerson definitely has a weakness for family and friends. They keep her going and show her support and love. Especially Henry as he's always been there for her.

Fears/phobias: losing her family and friends, death/ bugs/insects

Family: Joshua Griffin (step father unbeknownst to everyone but her mother), Janet Griffin (mother), Silas (twin younger brother), Ray Manchester (biological father)

Friends: Henry, Ray, Schwoz, Charlotte, Jasper, Piper (kinda) etc.

Enemies: The Toddler, Shaft, Phone Shark, Dr.Minyak, Nurse Cohort, Drill Finger, Jeff Bilsky, Coach Bix, Mitch Bilsky, Brad Belcher (invisible Brad), The Spoiler, Derek and Maddy Richards, Axel, Dennis, Van Del, Veronika, Time Jerker, Ert and Bernie, Dirk, The Three Muchachos, Alien girl, Gwen, Drex Stinklebaum, Noelle, Jim and Neil, Ballerino brothers, Frankini, Heather Bogart, Go-Bro, Bill Evil, Stainless Steve, Rick Twitler, Beekeeper

Pet: Her gorgeous Doberman Blanche

Powers: Danger Intuition and Superhuman Strength

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Powers: Danger Intuition and Superhuman Strength. Her Danger Intuition allows her to know immediately when danger is coming. Combined with her superhuman strength gives her the ability to easily defeat enemies.

Superhero/villain outfit: The necklace is from Henry and it has an E in it.

Superhero/villain name: Girl Danger

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Superhero/villain name: Girl Danger

Crush: Henry

Backstory: Emerson was born to Janet and Joshua Griffin. Unbeknownst to Joshua Emerson isn't his biological kid. Emerson has no idea either. When she was one years old she met baby Henry for the first time. They where friends since then. They'd always hangout and where there through everything with each other. Heartbreaks, animal deaths, annoying siblings etc. Emerson eventually found out about Henry's secret. Ray seeing how eager and good she is at combat offers her a job as Girl Danger. She accepts and thus her new journey begins. After a mission they where looking at the machine that made Ray indestructible. She accidentally fell into it and gained her superhuman strength and Danger Intuition. Fortunately she never had any side effects like Henry did when he used it.

Other: her locker is next to Charlotte's.

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