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Name: Alina Kaitlyn Wells

Nicknames: Lina, A, Ali, Kaitlyn, Aw (jokingly)

Age: 13 (Z1), 14 (Z2), 15 (Z3)

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight

Species: half human and half alien

Looks: Alina was born with stark white hair like her sister. However she's forced to cover it up with a light brunette wig. She has blue eyes like her sister and fair skin. When she finds her true self she gets blue hair which is her natural hair color. She has freckles on her face as well.

Personality: Alina is like her sister in the way were she wants good for everyone. She wants everyone to just be accepted for who they are. Regardless of species and everything. Alina is bold when it comes to what she believes in. She's fierce and won't back down. However she does tend to be a rather peaceful person. It's just a part of who her species is. Alina tends to be rather aloof and keeps to herself. Things worsen when she finds out her true origins alongside Addison. However she doesn't hold grudges easily and is a very forgiving person.

Likes: cheer, dancing, one upping Bucky, her friends and family, playfully poking fun at Addison and Zed's relationship

Dislikes: being treated differently or others being treated different, conflict, her family or friends getting hurt etc...

Fears/phobias: none

Medical conditions: none

Extra curricular's: cheer

Accessories: her wig and a necklace. It's a small blue heart. She also has the same alien stuff once she finds out who she is.

Powers: telepathy, telekinesis etc...

Family: Addison Wells (older sister), Dale Wells (father), Missy Wells (mother), Bucky Buchanan (cousin), Angie (maternal grandmother), Eli (maternal grandfather), A-Spen, A-Lan, A-Li

Pet: none

Crush: A-Lan or Willa

Backstory: WIP

Other: none

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