"Oh, my babies!" she says while wrapping her arms around all of us. She holds onto Liam the longest, giving him a wide smile before talking so fast it is hard to keep up. "I knew you would be mates. You're perfect for each other."

I feel Liam relax his shoulders once she says this. I know he loves my mom, seeing her as family, and the feeling is mutual. Her approval means a lot to him.

"Thank you, Luna," Liam says in a quiet voice. His smile beautiful as he soaks in his Luna's approval.

"What is this?" I look up to see my father staring at us, giving Liam an especially hard glare. I know he is about to start something. He knows how Erik and I felt about the omega. In fact, he was the one to warn us to stay away. This conversation is going to be interesting.


I hide behind Erik, trying to escape the Alpha's hard glare. During the night, I had completely forgotten about him, but I should have known he would not appreciate his sons mating with an omega.

"Dad," Ethan says, "Liam is our mate."

"My sons are not going to be mated to an omega," the Alpha seethes. "I won't allow it."

"James, you know we cannot choose our mates. This was meant to be, destined by fate," Luna says, trying to calm down her angry mate. I can tell that she is holding back her own anger, but instead of it being directed at me, it is directed at her mate.

"I don't care! I won't allow them to go through with the final ritual of the mating ceremony." He clenches his fists, his gaze never breaking from mine. Anger is shining in his eyes, but I also see fear, as if he is afraid of me.

"You will allow it, or you will watch me leave this land and never come back," Luna says, using her wolf spirit voice. She positions herself between her mate and us, her arms crossed over her chest.

The Alpha looks down at her, a shocked expression on his face. "You wouldn't," he says, voice wavering.

"I would and you know it," she replies, voice deadly calm.

"Maria, you know how dangerous omegas can be," he whispers, stepping close to her in order not to be overheard, but my mates and I still can hear him. Luna does not back down, even going so far as to lift her head in defiance.

The Alpha looks over at us, giving me one last hard glare before huffing out a breath and turning on his heel to walk back to the porch.

"Don't worry, he'll come around," Luna says, smiling at us. I do not believe her, but I nod anyway. "Okay! Enough of the drama, let's get this last ritual started."

"Luna," I say hesitantly, stepping around Erik so I can walk next to her, "what did he mean about me being dangerous? We all know how useless I am."

"Liam, you are not useless. Never believe that," she tells me, turning to look at me while guiding us through the crowd. "And you do not need to worry about being dangerous. My mate is just being overprotective of his children."

I reluctantly nod my head, knowing that she wants to end this discussion, and we finally make it to the porch, where the Alpha stands.

"Everybody gather around," the Alpha says. "We have one last ritual before the newly mated pairs are fully bonded. Let's get started."

We move into the background as Luna takes her place beside her mate. "Every mated pair will become fully bonded when they receive the bite. The bite will bind them forever, never to be broken. We will start with my sons first." She turns around to look at us. "Ethan and Erik, will you please bring Liam up here?"

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