I sat there on my knees, slowly touching myself, trying to let the pheromones get to me. I kept my eyes closed, trying to see myself with a man. A good man. Another omega. Not with an alpha. Never with an alpha. Someone who treated me well. Someone strong. Hot. Muscular. Big. Wild.

My breath grew short, and my heart raced. The man in my mind grew in every way as I got more aroused. But he was not an alpha. If he resembled one, that was only because the omega in me wanted that, still carefully wishing we'd finally find a good one. It was encoded in our instincts. At that moment, all I cared about was the fact that this daydream was working, and I was producing slick.

I tried again to pull the tube out of me, and this time I could feel it loosening up. I tried to move it back and forth for a moment, trying to get enough slick around the rings. Finally, it moved. Only for a fracture of an inch, but it moved. It was the beginning of my long fight to get it out while ignoring the uncomfortable tightness and hoping I wasn't tearing the stitches.

But in the end, I got it out. It fell on the towel, my ass relieved from the constant pressure I'd been in. I took a short glimpse of the tube, then turned away in disgust. The clear walls did not hide anything, but at least it was clean on the outside – apart from my slick. That had to mean it had done its job and protected my healing stitches. I wrapped it tightly in the towel, then stuffed it in a plastic bag to get rid of it later.

My hard-on was already gone, so it was safe for me to grab another towel and go wash myself. I felt dirty, but it was the kind of filth that water couldn't wash away. But at least it was now over. I just had to be careful so the Lace wouldn't kill me.


I didn't really feel any different with the Bitch Lace. I didn't feel it, and it wasn't affecting any of my bodily functions. Hell, I would've forgotten it existed if the experience of getting it hadn't been so humiliating. I still felt dirty. I still was disgusted with myself. But otherwise, the Lace didn't make a difference.

Until my heat started.

My heats had always been quite easy to bear with the medication I was on. I usually only had light fever and distracted thoughts on top of occasional abdomen pain, but there were times when I hardly even knew I was in heat.

Now I did. Now I fucking did.

I woke up with uncomfortable pressure somewhere in my lower stomach. I tried to pay no mind to it, but it kept growing worse as the morning went by. My heat cramps had suddenly gotten ten times more intense. I took a few strong painkillers, but those only took the worst edge off. Even my fever was higher than normal, and because no one had mentioned that could happen, I spent a few restless moments searching for information about the procedure in case the stitches were already infecting my insides. It wasn't until the third article I read about higher fever during heats that I was finally convinced it was normal. My body was just in a lot of stress. Which, of course, didn't really make me feel better.

I was also feeling sick, but I wasn't sure if it was because of the Bitch Lace...

...or because I was going to meet Commander Stoll.

I really didn't fucking want to. I never wanted to see that man ever again, and now I had to go to him when I was in pain, sick, and feeling like shit. And I fucking hated the fact that I had the option to not go, but that would mean I'd never advance further in my career. Now I had the Bitch Lace, too. Not going would mean I went through that humiliating procedure for nothing.

It was just sex. Just an hour of more humiliation and pain.

But that didn't mean I didn't hate myself later that day when I stopped in front of Commander Stoll's secretary, and he looked up at me with a question in his eyes. I wasn't sure why I was surprised he was an Alpha. Obviously Stoll wasn't hiring omegas in any positions in his army.

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