•we speak to the dead•

Start from the beginning

Percy grabbed my hand and squeezed it in thanks, and Annabeth held my shoulder, being more calm. "Coriane is right. But Kronos will do anything to get you on his side. Bianca wouldn't want this."

"If you cared for her, you'd bring her back!" Nico snapped. "You don't know what she'd want!"

Percy looked at him. "Let's ask her."

Nico dropped his shoulders. "She won't answer. It won't be different because you're here."

I thought of my prophecy. You shall rise or fall by the ghost kings hand. That must be Minos, Nico couldn't listen to him.

But what Percy was suggesting?

"Percy," Annabeth said. "This ain't a good idea."

"We'll do it." Nico said.

"We'll need a pit, like a grave, and food and drinks."

Eurytion got up. "There's a hole out back. I'll grab my ice chest. I hope the dead like root beer."


After dark, Nico chanted in Ancient Greek, stopping only to shoo off ghosts that weren't Bianca. Minos had yet to show.

Until he did, and Nico couldn't speak or else the ghosts would take the offering to Bianca.

"You keep chanting," Minos grinned, eyes full of malice, golden crown on his head. "I've only come to protect you from these liars who would deceive you."

"We're looking for Bianca, get lost." Percy snapped.

Minos cackled. "I understand you once killed my Minotaur with your bare hands, but worse things await you in the maze. Do you really believe Daedalus will help you? He cares nothing for you half-bloods, you can't trust him. He is old beyond counting, and crafty. He is bitter from the guilt of murder and is cursed by the gods."

"The guilt of murder? Who did he kill?"

"Do not change the subject!"

"Enough, Minos," Nico commanded.

Minos sneered. "Master, these are your enemies. You must not listen to them! Let me protect you. I will turn their minds to madness as I did to the others."

Annabeth gasped. "The others? You mean Chris?"

"The maze is my property, those who enter deserve madness."

"Be gone, Minos!" Nico shouted. "I want to see my sister!"

The ghost sneered again. "As you wish. But I warn you, you cannot trust these heroes."

And he disappeared.

Then a silver light flickered across the trees, a spirit that was stronger. It came closer, and drank from the pit. When it arose, it was Bianca.

My heart clenched at the sight of her.

"Hello, Percy." She said.

She looked like she had the day she died. She looked a Hunter, she looked like the girl who haunted my nightmares of quests that were successful but also failed.

"Bianca," Percy said, voice cracking. "I'm so sorry."

Bianca smiled sadly. "You have nothing to apologize for, Percy. I made my own choice, I do not regret it."

"Bianca!" Nico cried, stumbling towards her.

Bianca looked sad, as though she was dreading this. "You've gotten so tall."

"Why didn't you answer? I've been trying for months!"

"I was hoping you would give up."

"Give up? How can you say that? I'm trying to save you!"

"You can't, Nico. Don't do this, Percy is right."

"No! Be let you die! He is not your friend."

Bianca reached her hand out, as if to hold his face, and Nico leaned to her, but her hand turned to mist. "Holding grudges is dangerous for a child of Hades. It is our fatal flaw. You must forgive, promise me this."

"I can't, never."

"I let Percy see what was happening, hoping he could help you."

"Why are you helping him and not me?" Percy yelled, tears streaming down his face, staring up at his sister. "It's not fair!"

"It's not Percy you're mad at. It's me. You're mad I left to become a Hunter of Artemis, you're mad because I died and left you alone. I'm sorry for that, Nico, I truly am. But you must overcome this, stop blaming Percy for my choices. It will be your doom."

"I don't care, I want my sister back."

"You can't have that, Nico."

"I'm a son of Hades, I can!"

"Don't try. If you love me, don't."

Bianca looked around, the ghosts grew restless, shouting danger!

"Tartarus stirs." Bianca said. "Your power draws the attention of Kronos. The dead must return."


"I love you, Nico. Remember what I said."

She faded from view, along with the other ghosts.

We weren't ready to travel that night, so we crashed at the ranch and seeing Bianca made me relive that whole quest, and I barely got any sleep.

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