January 24, 2001

156 3 0

Sam offered Dean a slice of pie and Dean shook his head. "I can't, Sammy."

"Dean, she'd want you to."

"It just... It feels wrong to celebrate without her."

Sam sat on the opposite bed. "I know. But she'd want you to be happy, to move on."

"You can't tell me you don't miss her."

"Of course I miss her! But I also know that you can't wallow forever."

"Well thanks, Professor Head Shrink, but I'll wallow for as long as I'd like. I'm the one that lost a twin."

"And I lost my big sister. So which one of us lost more?" He sighed. "I'll leave the pie on the table if you change your mind."

"I won't."

Sam put the pie on the table and left the room, hoping to clear his head.

In the few months since Katrina had tragically died on a hunt gone wrong, Dean had withdrawn more into himself and their father had become angrier. Sometimes it felt like Sam was the one holding things together, a job that Dean usually fulfilled.

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