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Topic: First use of tanks.
Characters: German Empire, Britain, France.
Warning: WW1, tank.

!!This was written by my 12 y/o brother and not me! I did help him rephrase some stuff but it was mostly him...
Apologies for the historical inaccuracies.!!


German Empire crouched behind a stone wall, his heart pounding in his chest. The distant sound of artillery and gunfire filled the air, but it seemed like it was far away. He clutched his rifle tightly.

German Empire turned his vision towards his comrades, their faces etched with anxiety. They had heard rumors of a new weapon, something the British had called a "tank." German Empire didn't know what to expect. But of course it doesn't seem good..

The ground shook, and the sound of hell came approaching. German Empire's eyes widened as he saw a huge ass metal beast, which looked like it came from hell.  It was like nothing he had ever seen before.

"Mein Gott!" German Empire gasped, his voice barely a whisper. "What in blazes is that thing?"

The tank rolled forward, its tracks churning up the earth beneath. German Empire could see the fear on his comrades' faces as they aimed their rifles, uncertain of how to attack such a monstrous contraption.

"Steady, Kameraden!" German Empire shouted. "We'll find a way to bring it down...."

The air smelled of oil and burning metal, and he could hear chaos coming towards that hellish tank.

He squeezed the trigger, sending a bullet towards the tank's thick armor. The round bounced off harmlessly, as if it had hit a wall.

"Godverdammt!" German Empire. "That thing is invincible!"

The tank continued its advance, tearing through barbed wire and smashing through barricades like it was nothing but air. Gunshot was sent from all directions as German soldiers desperately tried to stop the big ass metallic thing that could bring demise to their foes.

German Empire's heart raced as he saw the tank's cannons swivel towards his position. Panic gripped him, and he ducked down behind the wall, covering his head.

A deafening explosion rocked the air, sending debris flying in all directions. German Empire peeked out cautiously, his ears ringing. To his surprise, the tank hadn't fired at him but had moved on, leaving destruction in its wake.

"Did you see that?" German Empire exclaimed to his comrades, their faces smeared with dirt. "It's like the devil himself unleashed that thing!"

his confidante nodded grimly. "We must find a way to stop it, Kaiser. Our lives depend on it."

The Kaiser reloaded his rifle and joined his fellow soldiers as they regrouped.

He approached the big ass metallic thing, and he saw Britain, alongside France. He charged at them, and shouted, "Mein Gott Großbritannien! What the hell is that thing?"

Britain smirked, his eyes showing a spark of pride...

"Eh, you wouldn't understand, Germ." Britain said in a mocking tone.

"Huh, you pompous son of a bitch!"

With a fierce cry, German Empire ran towards the tank with guns blazing.
He aimed the gun at the enormous wheels; immobilzing one of them.

Shouts of, "Merde!" And, "Bloody hell!" Was heard across the battlefield.

In the end though, the British and French would win...


my brother speaking:

Haha, so yeah everyone. That was one of my writings. I know it's shitty compared to other authors (Not my sister- She sucks c: /j)
This is not my best writing. I wrote this when I had nothing to do.

Have a great day everyone,

- Almax. (not my brother's real name)

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