27- I Don't Compete, I win

Start from the beginning

"Yes, and your parents pay me well."

I scuffed, knowing what me surfing cost.

My parents put a lot of money in for me to enjoy this sport, I wasn't dumb, I saw the monthly payments.

"But you are also a fantastic surfer, any coach would be lucky to have you." Brady stated

I stood up, giving Brady a light smile.

Together we began walking back to the road.

"Any guy for that matter, so who is he?" Brady asked once more

I looked down at the sand as I walked, a heavy feeling in my chest.

"He's a brookie." I said spitting the words out fast.

"Hm." Brady instantly replied and I nodded my head

I knew the reaction everyone would have to a Master Surfer and a Brookie together.

Honestly it was already hard.

The second Finn decided to be a brookie all of the Masters started talking.

They instantly didn't like him, even though they liked him before.

It didn't matter if they knew he was still nice, kind, and caring. They had already put a label to the name 'brookie'

Much like I kind of had.

"But you said he treats you well?" Brady asked stopping as we got to the part of the beach where sand turns to side walk

I nodded my head.

Brady kind of laughed at that.

"They why does it matter? He treats you well, so being a brookie doesn't matter." Brady explained

I wanted to argue but there was no argument.

"Any chance he would become a masters for you?" Brady asked trying to be a problem solver

I shook my head no, goose bumbs rising on my arm as the wind began to pick up.

We were supposed to get storms tonight.

"No he really wants a sponsorship and he knows Brooker can pay to get him one."

Brady nodded his head in understanding.

"Then at some point, if he likes you enough, he will realize you are more important than the deal." Brady said imparting his wisdom on me.

I thought for a moment, looking up at the sky to see the dark clouds rolling in.

"Its not about the deal, if he wants it then fine. Its about the morality of being a brookie, being with those people." I explained

"But he's  with those people to get the deal?"

I sighed, finally understanding Bradys point.


"Then sooner or later he'll realize, if he really likes you, that you are more important than the sponsorship."

I nodded my head, worried that may never happen. It wasn't like we had forever, we only had the summer time.

"Now go home Chica, the storms rolling in." Brady said beginning to walk away

"Thanks Brady!" I yelled as I began running home, it being difficult with such a large board.

"No problem Chica! Night!" He yelled back.

"Night Brady!" I shouted running down the road as rain began to fall from the sky.

It seemed like the faster I ran the heavier the ran drops got.

By the time I got home, I was soaking wet. I looked like I'd just gotten out of the ocean.

I rack my board and climbed the front porch steps, as I did Finn opened the front door panic on his face.

"Nora, seriously?" He asked me not finishing his question before turning his head back to inside the house to yell, "she's home."

Finn waved for me to get inside and I quickly rushed in.

"Jesus Nora I was about to come and get you." Finn stated just as he shut the front door.

The rain hit on the big windows hard and you could hear it throughout the entire house.

"Why?" I asked, confused.

It was just some storms.

"Hon we were just put under a severe thunderstorm warning, they were telling everyone to stay off of the beach." My mom explained shutting the curtains even though it was dark outside.

My dad, who was standing at the TV watching the weather, shook his head.

"This is not good for the boats. They're saying up to 75 mile per hour winds." He explained jesturing to the TV.

"Will that effect the waves for the comp next week?" I asked walking over to the kitchen sink to ring out my soaking wet hair.

This time Finn shook his head, handing me a towel as he did so.

"No, wave report says it will actually make the waves better."

"Nice" was all I said before jumping as a big crash of thunder shook the house.

The lights flickered and we all looked at them as they did.

"Don't worry, we've got a generator." My dad stated to ease all of our minds, "Nora I really don't want you sleeping in your room tonight."

Immediately I protested with facial expressions.

My dad in return gave me a stern look.

"Don't give me a look young lady, I don't want a tree falling with this wind and breaking through your windows in the middle of the night."

Yeah, I couldn't argue that.

But where did he want me to sleep? Finn was in the spare bedroom, I wasn't going to sleep on the living room couch it was too uncomfortable.

That just left the basement couch.

I guess that would be too bad for one night.

"Fine, I'll sleep downstairs." I replied trying not to seem to upset about it

If a tree did fall through my windows it would be game over for me, so I guess it would be better to be safe than sorry.

"Finn can help you bring your stuff downstairs, but me and your dad are going to bed." My mom stated walking up the stairs.

"Yes, it has been a long day at the yacht club preparing for this storm."

Finn nodded his head in agreement.

I'm sure him, Luke, and Ryan got stuck trying to tie down the boats and get everything put away.

"Alright night guys." I said as my dad walked upstairs as well

"Night you two." He replied before disappearing upstairs.

I turned to Finn, the towel he gave me still wrapped around me as I dripped onto the hard wood floors.

"Let me get changed them you can help me bring my blankets down stairs." I stated

I walked into my room and was instantly met with the darkness of the storm, taking off my bikini and pulling on sweatpants I watched as lightning flashed acrossed the sky.

It was going to be a long night.

Words: 1508

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