Just as you felt the cool metal handle touch the skin of your palm you were yanked back by Lana's hand being wretched from your grasp. Whirling your head around you saw Lana being dragged by her feet by Diane. 

Diane looked evil. It was never a word you would've thought described her, but in that moment, she looked deadly, furious, and predatory. Her face and hands were covered in semi dried blood, and she was laughing maniacally to herself. She was pulling Lanas's feet as she tried to kick away. What was seconds felt like hours as your body froze only allowing you to watch your friends anguish as she was pulled with bruising force. 

"RUNNNNN!!!" Lana screamed. But it felt like your head was under water. The words registered but your limbs refused to cooperate with your panicked minds demands. You still felt like a ghost hovered over your own physical form. 

You saw the glint of the blade before Lana did. Her dark brown sunken eyes were focused on you as she plead for you to leave her, to save yourself. She wasn't even trying to break free from Dianes clutches she was only halfheartedly wrestling her. You stood in horror, your lungs refusing to provide you with enough air for you to scream out. A million words wanted to leave your mouth, but they were all caught in your throat.

In a second your life changed. In a second you watched as the sharp blade came down over and over again. Screams filled the air, but they weren't Lanas. Diane screamed each time she brought the knife down to pierce the flesh. As it sprayed and spread all over the woman beneath her Diane howled and sneered. 

But Lana was silent, only pained gurgles left her. Her eyes were locked on yours and you watched as they dulled. The honey brown eyes that were once filled with life and warmth faded to nothing but empty hard pools of black. Blood spilled from her mouth. And even after her body stopped writhing and twitching Dianes knife came down again and again and again. You watch as her abdomen and chest got pulverized. Smooth olive tanned skin scraped away revealing bits of muscle and bone. 

With inhumane strength Diane continued her assault while screaming at the corpse. Nothing but screams, wet squelching of blood, and the scraping of bone was heard as you stood rooted in your spot like a statue. 

"You thought you could have her!!!" 


"You thought you could take what's mine!!!!" 


"You'll never have her!!!" 


"You'll never love her like I do!!!!" 

Dianes ragged breaths filed the air, they brought you back to the previous morning. 

Just this morning you were laying with woman you loved. 

Just this morning you felt cherished, loved, and desired.  

Just this morning you were so sure you loved Diane.

 But now loving her seemed wrong, tainted... the woman before you was a stranger. You caught glimpses of this stranger every time you disobeyed, every time you were punished, and every time Diane claimed you. But you always thought the other parts of her made up for the darkness. 

You hated her. How could she? How could she do this? How could she be this person? But you hated yourself more because a little part of your brain whispered that she only did this because she loved you. 

Dianes gaze broke you from your spiraling thoughts. Her eyes were soft as they met yours a frightening contrast to the bloody display. She smiled at you with the same adoration and love she always did. But instead of making you feel all warm and fuzzy it made your blood run cold. And for the first time during this horror show you let out a sound. A blood curdling scream left you, tears ran down your cheeks and the force of your sobs almost caused your trembling muscles to give. 

Diane was mostly unfazed by the display. She frowned... then laughed. A bubbly laughter. She laughed the same way she always did in response to your teasing or childish antics.

"Oh kitten, quit with the dramatics. She can't come between us anymore baby. Why don't you go get cleaned up and I'll take care of our little mess hmm?" 

'Our little mess' it was the same phrase she used when she referred to the dishes. She was flippant, like this was no big deal and you haven't just watched your friend be murdered by her hand. All of a sudden, your body went ridged, and for the first time that night it felt like you had full control over yourself. Your vision was blurred but you looked to the door anyway trying to subtly determine whether it was locked or not. You couldn't tell. 

Diane looked at you, then to the door, then to you again. She gripped the knife, pulled it out of the flesh beneath her and went to stand. So, you ran. You ran to the door. You heard her loud footsteps behind you, but you didn't look back, you couldn't. You felt the cool metal of the doorknob on your palm once again and you pulled. The door resisted at first but then gave away. 

You ran. 

You ran as fast as you could until your lungs and legs were burning. You ran through the dreary lifeless neighborhood. 

You ran. 

Just like Lana told you to. 


'Oh. God Lana was gone! Your dad was gone! Your brother was gone!' 

You were alone. So many emotions swirled around in your mind. Your eyes had dried up, but heartbreaking sobs still tore from your chest. You scanned your surroundings looking for Diane. You were terrified that she'd find you. 

But you were even more terrified that she wouldn't, and you'd be truly alone. 

But this wasn't about you. This was about Lana. Lana had died for you, to save you. And you knew Diane had to pay for what she did to her. 

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