93. Safe zone

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Sam's pov.

"It's the day, isn't it?" Belle asked me.

I am at the coffee shop, on the bar to put my order, and Belle who should be taking my order, she asked me another question instead.

But still, I nodded my head.

Then Belle looked behind me, "He looks nervous." She said with a soft giggle.

I looked back too, looking at my cute little kitten at the corner table. "Yeah sure. I am nervous too." I said and let out a long breathe.

Belle laughed softly. "You'll be fine. Tian told me that Yu is a genius."

I just gave her a smile. He is a genius.

"So what do you want?" Then finally she did her job.

"Hazelnut chocolate and americano.."

"With no syrup." Belle continued my order. "I shouldn't ask, you always order the same things." Then she added.

I laughed. That's right.

"It's still amaze me how different you two are , but also how compatible you two are." She said.

"The difference is to complete to each other, Belle. That's the point on a relationship." I told her.

Belle then looked at me with her weird eyes.

"What?" I asked her.

"Can you teach Jack about that? He kept rejecting me saying that we're just too different to each other."

I shook my head immediately and. "With all respect, I don't want to be involve on your relationship with Jack."

Belle sighed softly. "You're a jerk."

"I'll take that as a compliment, thank you." I told her then gave her the card to pay for my coffee.

I know this shop is belongs to my cousin, but still, bussiness is bussiness.

"Still nothing?" I came back to my boyfriend's side who his eyes are glued to his phone since this morning.

But when he heard my voice, he lifted up his eyes to look at me and smiled warmly. I mean, beautifully.

And then he pouted his lips, so cute.

"Um." Yu replied quietly.

Really cute. I want to kiss him right now.

But I need to hold it. If I really kiss him right here, right now, Yu will definitely kill me, and Ray will shot me even after I've dead by Yu's hand.

"It's okay, let's wait." I told him softly then took a seat next to him.

I grabbed on his shoulder and pulled him to me to calm him down. Yu chuckled softly as I tightened my hand on him.

Damn it, I want to kiss him.

"Stop it guys, people are watching." Then Jack came at the perfect time and giving us the coffee.

Yu smiled widely and took his hazelnut chocolate, "Thank you, Jack."

While I just kept glaring at Jack, and he's glaring back at me. Jack the jerk.

"Yusuke!" Then a loud voice surprised us all. Of course it was Tian.

He just came, from wherever he went with Ray, then he ran over to Yu, to us, but then he sat down next to Yu closely, real close.

"Have you got the email yet? Did you pass? Did you pass?" Tian asked excitedly while he kept looking at Yu's cellphone.

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