51. Mother in law

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Yu's pov.

"You sure about this?" Jack asked before I got out from the coffee shop.

No. Really. But I have to meet her anyway.

"Just take care of the shop." I said acting like a senior. I am his senior here.

"Don't forget to breathe Yu." Tian teased me.

Well I couldn't say anything, that was just out of my conscious.

"It's okay. She is a nice person, but if she said anything that hurt you, tell me, I'll talk to her." Ray said.

What is wrong with everyone. It's not like I'm about to go on war or something. Why is everyone being so dramatic.

But actually, I can't help but to be dramatically nerveous too.

"Are you nervous?" Sam asked me on our way. Ray was kind enough to let us bring his car.

I wanted to say no, but I could only give Sam a soft sigh. Of course I am.

Sam stroked my head with a soft chuckles, "Actually I don't really care if my mom likes you or not." He said softly. "Even if she doesn't like you, I still love you anyway."

I just stared at him.

"Don't be nervous. Everything is gonna be okay." He said again stroking my head softly.

I believed him. Of course I believed that Sam will love me anyway even if his Mom doesn't like me. But that's not what makes me nervous.

What if his Mom is really Mrs. Lin who I met last night. How should I react? What should I do?

That's all I can think about along the way to Sam's house. Sam kept talking to me. He tried really hard to make less nervous. But it just not go away that easily.

This is bad, I never feel this nervous before.

I kept thinking about what if Sam's mom is Mrs. Lin, the one I met last night and even made me drunk. But then after we reach the house, what Sam said hit me harder.

"What if she doesn't like me, and ask you to stay away from me?" I asked Sam before he get out from the car.

Sam looked surprise with my sudden question. We were silence for a while and I ask this so suddenly. I just blurted it out.

Sam was already opened the car door but then he closed it again. He smiled softly and held my hand tightly.

"I won't do that Yu." He said reassurely, but then he chuckled softly, "Well I will leave you next year for the college but that's it. I will get back to you no matter what happen. If you wait for me. You promise you'll wait for me. Right?"

I stared at his eyes. Right. Sam will leave me just for the college. Why would I tell him to do that again? I was so stupid.

Sam stroked my head that full of so many thought. Damn it. It's not like we're getting married any soon, why would I meet his mom now. Is his dad also here? I just remember what Tian said the other day. His dad is scary.

"Is your dad also here?" I asked Sam in whispered.

We're finally get down from the car and walk to the front door. Sam's house is pretty big that it took a few minutes from the parking lot to his door.

"I don't know. Maybe." Sam answered lightly.

Suddenly I hope that his mom is really Mrs. Lin. At least I'm familiar with her. What a stupid thought.

"Young master Sam! Young master Yusuke!"

Auntie called us loudly when she saw from afar. She smiled really wide that it made me smiled too. It feels good to be welcomed with a smile.

Him || samYUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora