13. Tired

610 40 4

Yu's pov.

Sam doesn't say anything during our way to the coffee shop. It only takes 15 minutes from our school but because of the silent, it feel so much longer.

I don't really like to speak, but being in total silent is suffocating even for me. 

"I'll pick you up at 10."

Sam finally said something after we reach the coffee shop. 

But, "Huh?" I asked him flustered. 

"I still gonna come even if you say no." He said again. 

I close my mouth. Actually I can't really say no to him. Not when he looks like this. 

"Okay." I answered in small voice and give him a smile. 

I'm about to open the door but Sam hold my hand. I stopped my other hand to open the door and look at Sam, but he just staring at me.  I wait for him to say something for about 5 seconds and I can't wait anymore. I'm not that patient.

"What?" I asked him first along with giggle. 

I don't think I should laugh for now, but his face is so funny and I can't hold it. 

"I.." Sam cleared his throat first, "I'm sorry."

I narrowed my eyes to him, "For what?"

"Those girls.. Jack.. Everything.." He said softly without looking into my eyes. 

"Are you the one who told them to did that to me?" I asked him slowly.

"Hell no!" Sam answered so fast and finally look into my eyes.

I smile, "Then it's fine. You don't have to be sorry for them."

Sam is still holding my wrist and his fingers start to move like caressing my hand. I find that it's cute but then he released it so fast when he realize that he still holding my hand. But honestly I don't mind it. I even feel a little sad because he let my hand go so fast.

"Sorry." He even said sorry again. 

"Why you like to say sorry so much." I murmured to myself.

"Hm?" He asked. He must be hearing me talking but I don't want him to hear it. 


We're keep staring to each other for a few seconds, we like to doing this staring contest lately like it's something we get used to each other. 

Knock knock.

I jump scared when I hear the knock from the glass window behind me. It's Ray. He then opened the door in my side and asked. "Why aren't getting down?"

"I'm about to get down now." I told him then shove him over so I can get down from the car.

Ray could be annoying sometimes.

"What about you Sammy? You're not getting down?" Ray asked Sam who stay still behind the wheels.

"No, I don't really want to see your face." Sam said with a smirk.

"That's good then, I'm sick of you too."

I laughed softly. These two cousins are funny to watch.

"See you at 10." Sam shouting from inside his car.

I nodded over his words. And Sam finally left.

"See you at 10?" Ray asked me bewildered.

I try to avoid Ray's eyes and quickly get in the coffee shop. 

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