35. Long night

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Sam's pov.

"How is your date?" Tian asked us excitedly as we got in the coffee shop.

I look around the coffee shop, all the tables are full, but it looks normal. Looked like Tian do a great job for today.

"Is everything okay?" Yu asked Ray who make a coffee behind the bar table.

"Well, Tian is really behave for today." Ray said smiling proudly.

"What? You think I'm gonna destroy the place or what?!" Tian snapped loudly at Yu.

I smacked his head right away, how dare he snapped at Yu. Yu giggled softly then caressing Tian's head that I smacked.

"See, they're fine. So let's go." I said to Yu.

"How about dinner?" Ray asked us and stop whatever he's doing.

"That's why I asked Yu to go because we're about to have dinner now." I replied in annoyance.

"Eat here. I'll make a pasta, Yu loves my pasta." He said again with a smirk.

Gosh this stupid cousin.

Yu said nothing and staring at me, like, what, you really like his pasta that much so that you want to ditch our dinner Yu? Really?

I want to say that to him, but Yu has this wide kitten eyes on him. Shit. I shouldn't be this soft to him. He always get what he wants easily.

"You want to have dinner here?" I asked him softly. I am in rage inside but how can I speak like that to Yu.

Yu laughed softly then look at Ray, "No.. we had reserved a place, it will be such a waste to cancel it." He said without a blink.

Wow Yu is good at lying. I should be careful. But I love that he lied for me, for us.

"Where?" Tian asked him curiously.

Yu cleared his throat softly and looked at him blankly. Okay he's not that good at lying. I have to save him.

"None of your business." I said to Tian and grabbed Yu's shoulder to head out to the door.

"Don't get home too late. You have school tomorrow." Ray shouted before we get out.

"Gosh we're not kids." I scoffed softly and Yu just laugh over it.

Earlier Yu said that we have reserve a place to have dinner, well I was imagine that we will have dinner in a nice place but here we are at the usual chicken restaurant that we came here almost everyday.

"What?" Yu asked me as I keep staring at him after we ordered the chicken.

"Nothing." I replied with a soft smile.

Yu smiled too. It reminds me of the first time Yu talked to me. But that time he didn't smile this sincere. And his eyes didn't sparkling like this while he look at me. I'm really glad that Yu has that sincere smile and that sparkling eyes on me now. It's just great.

"I thought we'll eat in another place." I said after a few moment of silence and enjoy the chicken.

Yu stared at me with his big eyes, expecting me to say the next words.

"You lied that we reserve a place. We don't even need to reserve anything here before, it's a fastfood, they always ready for us." I continued as he wished.

Yu giggled softly, "What? You want to having a dinner at five star michelin restaurant?"

I blink my eyes. Well that's one of my plans.

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