18. The competition

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Sam's Pov.

The competition is about to start. We're stretching out aside the field accompanied by the screams from every side.

It is just a simple competition, but the audience is always loud. Not that I don't like it but sometimes they are indeed distracting.

But well I don't really care. My attention is locked for only one person now whose sitting on the bench.

He doesn't need to scream like anyone else to get my attention. Well I bet he will never scream like anyone else too.

We keep change glance once in every second. I really can't take my eyes off of him.

"Why is Yusuke sit right there?" I heard mr Sakda, the coach or the referee as for today, talked.

"I told him to." I said quickly before he walked to Yu.

Yu is sitting on the bench, where it should be only the player who can sit right there.

"He's going to play too?" Mr Sakda asked in surprise.

I laughed softly, "No. I just asked him to sit right there, so that he can enjoy the game from the best place." 

Mr Sakda looked at me suspiciously, "Why should you do that?"

"So that I can win the game." I said it for sure.

"Okay then. Let him sit right there." Mr Sakda has finally gave up.

Well this is one of the special treatment that I like as I am Sam Lin. I can do whatever I want and no one can say no to whatever I say. Sometimes it does feel nice. 

"Because Yusuke is right here, and you two getting along so well lately that you even forget about me sometimes.." Tian is whispering at me, "You can get focus on this game, right?"

"Let's win the game." I said to him confidently.

"Right. Let's win it. Let's win the game guys! Woo!" He started screaming to the rest of members on our team. And they're screaming too to reply to our captain. 

I just laughing and once again glancing at Yu. He's laughing too watching us. 

The game start. And from the first, the players whose about to fighting over the ball is me and Jack. What a good coincidence. 

"He's here." Jack said with his usual annoying smirk.

I just replying his smirk. I want to stay on the good mood since my mood booster is right here, so I'll just choose to ignore Jack and enjoy the game.

"Let's just enjoy the game." I said to him.

Then the whistle blows. The crowd is being extremely loud again. And despite all the distraction and I did a little shorter than Jack, but I manage to grab the ball first, and take a lead of the game.

The crowd is getting louder, shouting my name all over, but no I have to keep focus.

I dribbling the ball to the opposite ring, along with my other members, I passed it to one of the member when Jack tried to snatch the ball from me. I can manage to tricked him first and throw the ball to the other member. I try to pass over Jack, the ball is being passed to one another among our team member, and finally it landed on Tian. As Tian see that I finally successfully go through Jack and passed him over, Tian passed the ball to me. I catch it perfectly and throw it right away to the ring. And goal. That's 2 point for us. Well played.

Tian is screaming loudly and try to hug me, and the other members too but I passed them all. I hate them hugging me. There is only one person who can hug me. 

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