15. Terminator

493 35 6

Yu's pov.

"Yu, the water!"

I flinched when I heard Ray shouting at me. But if he doesn't, I already burn my hand with the hot water.

"That was dangerous." Ray said again relieved that I stopped it before the water flows to my hand.

"It was." I muttered softly.

The band aid in my finger hasn't even removed yet and I almost add another one. I should have relieved too. But no, I don't feel anything.

"Is there something wrong with you?" Ray asked.

He has actually been asking this question for tenth times today. And he asked the same question too yesterday.

But my answer will always be the same, "No, Ray."

I can hear Ray let out a sigh.

"Yu, you know that you can tell me everything."

"Mmh." I nodded once.

"You can count on me." He told me again.

"I know."

"I always thought you as my own brother and that will never change." He added.

"I know." I said softly. He said this kind of things for thousand times. Especially when I look troubled. Sometimes I felt Ray is really like my brother, he always sense it when I have problems with my life.

"So tell me. What's wrong?" He asked again.

God, Ray will never give up until I give him an answer except no.

"Is it school? Someone bullied you?"

"No.." I answered him with a soft giggle.

No one ever asked me to speak but no I won't said that they bullied or ignored me, because that's exactly what I want.

"You failed your exam?"

I giggled again, "It's not even the season yet."

"Is it Sammy? Did he troubled you?"

I startled for a second because Ray mention his name. 

"No." I said again softly.

"It is Sammy. It took 3 second before you answered it." Ray hit the bulls eye.

"What did he do to you? Did he cause you a trouble? Should I talk to him?"

"No.." I tried to smile. "No it's okay. It's not him."

"I thought yesterday you agreed with me when I said that Sammy is a good kid?"

"I did."

"So what happened?"

I can't say it. It's not that I don't want to tell Ray, but the words is not coming. Because honestly I don't even know what happened between us. Why should I be this angry to him. I never be this angry to anyone before. 

I mean, no, yes of course I've been angry before. Hell I move out from my old school because I was angry with my friends right there. But it doesn't stressed me out like this. Not this much.

Or maybe it is because I still have to meet Sam as we are at the same class. But ignoring him is like torturing me too. But I can't try to act like nothing happened. My pride won't let it.

"Yusuke.." Ray is calling my name softly.

"I don't know Ray. I don't know.. I guess I'm just tired." I said slowly.

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