32. Plans

403 32 16

Sam's pov.

"Are you free this sunday?" I asked Yu as soon as he get in the car this morning.

"Work." He replied softly grabbed his seatbelt.

I helped him to pull the seatbelt and click it but then pouted my lips staring at him.

"I can't ask for a day off on sunday, Sammy." He said sternly.

Well he even called me Sammy, he must be serious with what he said.

"But I wanted to date." I muttered softly.

Yu giggled softly, "We can do that on another day."

"We have school on another day."

"We can do it after school, on my day off."

I sighed softly. "But I wanted to be with you for whole day. Early morning till late night."

"We're always together like that almost everyday Sam." Yu replied lightly.

"It's different." I said still pouting my mouth.

Well since we're officially boyfriends now, or even before actually, I always picked Yu up to school, we're always together when we're at school, then we still stick together after school in the rooftop or when I have practice, then I take him to the coffee shop, wait for him till he's finish, and take him home.

We repeat this every single day. Except sunday, Yu stuck at the coffee shop from morning till night on sunday.

"Yo!" Tian waved his hands like usual when he saw us at the parking lot.

Yu smiled widely at him. I saw Tian walked from the front gate, then I looked around and didn't see his car.

"You didn't bring your car again?" I asked him.

"Nope." Tian answered lightly then opened up the bag of food on Yu's hand. "What's for breakfast today?"

"I haven't opened it yet." Yu replied kindly.

"Well whatever it is, can I eat it too a little? I'm starving." 

Yu nodded his head. He's too kind.

"Buy it yourself." I said smacking his hand on Yu's shoulder.

"Why?! That's Yusuke's food, he said he'll give me some." He protested right away.

But I already take Yu away to the class. Then Tian followed us from behind.

After I got super close with Yu, I mean we're kind of inseparable at school, somehow not many people tried to get close to me anymore. Some still do that, but many of them just looked or glanced, and that's it.

Yu is actually really kind, he never speak to anyone but he always smile at everyone. A faint smile, really faint, so you have to looked at him closely and long enough to see that he's really smile. Because his smile take a few seconds after you meet his eyes.

Jack never provoked me anymore. He kept looking when we meet, but he didn't say anything. Sometimes I saw that he changed look with Yu, and Yu will smile a little, so does Jack. But only for a second then they'll looked away.

It almost feel like they have secret between the two. But I never ask Yu, well if he has secret with Jack, he should have told me about it.

The first class is over. And I couldn't focus at all. I still thinking about how to ask Yu out for a date. A full day date.

I glanced at Yu and he's already sleep. Well it's math after this.

I was biting the pen thinking what should I do. Should I called Ray to give Yu a day off on sunday? But Yu will get angry if he found out.

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