46. Home

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Sam's pov.

I opened my eyes slowly and feel that my head is not hurting that much anymore. I guessed sleep is really the best cure after all.

Then I checked my own body and it's not that hot anymore.

This is great.

Now I have to find Yu.

I tried to call him again but this time too he didn't pick up my call.

I looked at the time, it's been hours, is he still angry? Is he that angry?

"Tian." I called him after I get out of the room. I was bored.

"Oh you're up." He said with a sfraight face.

"What are you doing?" I asked him out of bored.

"Making something." He answered without thinking.

I came closer to him and watched whatever he's making is.

"What's in there?" I asked him out of curiousity.

I've never been curious about anything that Tian does before. But I don't know, I just bored.

Tian put down the glass and stared at me. "I don't remember."

"You're stupid." I muttered softly.

Then Tian said nothing.

I pulled off my attention from him then looked around at the coffee shop, it's strangely quiet. There is no one here. It's too quiet.

Then I looked at the door and see the 'open' sign. Wait, I am inside, I should have see the 'closed' sign instead.

"The shop is closed?" I asked something stupid. I mean, yes Sam, look at the sign.

"Yeah, it was boring to do it alone, so I closed it." But Tian was kindly enough to answer my stupid question.

Alone.. then I looked around and just realized it now.

"Ah.. where is Ray?"

"Find Yu." Tian answered shortly.

"He found him?"

Tian sighed and shrugged his shoulder. "I tried to call him, but he didn't pick up his phone. What's wrong with them, first it was Yu, now it's Ray. What is so hard to picking up the calls? I swear I'll make them pay for this. I hate it the most when someone ignored me like this. I mean they didn't even call me back!"

The second Tian finished his babbling, his phone is ringing, and I saw the screen that it wwas Ray. Althought Tian sounded angry before, but he picked up the phone in a second.

"Eung, Ray?" He even talked softly.

But well I need to talk to Ray so I snatched the phone from his hand.

"Did you find Yu?" I asked him right away.

"Um. He's with me."  Ray answered strangely sound too soft for me. He knew that it's me right, not Tian.

"Ray, it's Sam."

"I know.."  He's still being soft. Okay that's awkward.

Then he went silent for a minute.

"Ray? You still there?" I even checked the phone and he should be still in the line.

"Um.. I'll get there in 10 minutes, tell Tian to closed the shop, I'll take you guys home."

Ray still strangely talk soft. Something is happen.

"What happen? How is Yu?"

"He's fine, Sam. Just do what I said."

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