14. Mistake

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Sam's pov.

I'm dead. I'm so dead. You're dead Sam. You are so dead.

Yu is ignoring me for whole day, and it has been 2 days. So he has been ignored me for whole damn 2 days.

God, how can I make him to talk to me again. No, just to make him look at me again is enough for now. But no, of course I want more. But God Jesus what should I do now.

But, really, I don't even know what is Yu so angry about.

Is it because I took him to hospital, because of what I said, but what did I say to him again? God Sam, you're so stupid. How the hell you're not even remember what you said that make Yu being this angry.

"Yu.. Yusuke.." I called him softly in the middle of class but he never turn his head to me at all. Maybe because he is focus to class, that's must be why.

"Yu, let's.. eat." But then again, at first break, he ignored me and left even before I finish my sentence.

"Yu.." I called him again at second break, and still he ignored me. This time he even put a headset on his ears and pretend to be sleep. Or maybe he's really sleep. I don't know, how can I wake him up, he looks so tired.

And.. that was actually yesterday. Today, I don't even have the gut to call his name. At all.

It's actually hurt me so much when I called his name, but then he ignored me.

I never be like this to anyone. Wait I never try to call anyone like this before. I never be this desperate just because of someone ignored me. Wait no, no one has ever been ignored me before. Yu is the only one who do this to me.

What the hell is wrong with me.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

I got surprised when I heard the sentence inside my head is being spoken. It was Tian. He always has the ability to read my mind.

"I don't know what I did wrong." I told him in smallest voice I ever had to speak.

"You what?" Tian asked again. Loudly.

He's annoying. But I don't even have the power to smack his head.

"You fight with Yusuke?" Tian asked precisely.

I look at him miserably. I can even feel that my eyes is watery right now.

"What did you do?"

"I don't know."

"The hell you don't even know what you did to him?!" Tian is being loud again.

But he's right. It's my fault.

"Well, I don't know if Yu could be that angry. He looks scary."

I nod agreed with Tian. Yu has a beautiful delicate face, but he looks totally scary when he is angry. And I don't even know why is he so angry for. I'm the worst.

"Why don't you asked him?" Tian asked with a serious face. He finally realize that this is a serious matter. For me.

"I want to do that too. But he doesn't even turn around when I called his name. How can I asked what his problem is."My voice is getting smaller when I speak.

This is really frustrating me. 

"Why don't you come to his work?" Tian give another suggestion. 

"No." I answered so fast.


"I'm scared."

I can see Tian keep opening his mouth widely and glaring at me. "Who are you? Are you really Sam? Sam Lin is being scared? Like really?"

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