November 21st, 1994

Start from the beginning

Iris gave him a cold look, "You and I are never marrying."

Theodore wasn't quite sure why he glanced over at that... taken back to the conversation on the train.... This nuisance was who Iris would marry if political reasons were the only factor.... Theodore didn't allow himself to think about the way that felt unsettling, ignoring when Dante sent a look at him again.

Dante was undeterred, smiling to himself as he caught the rest of this Slytherin group walking up ahead, "Probably good you stay away from Edith. She catches wind of you being alive, and she'll write straight to her parents. If I'm out of the picture, she is guaranteed their support towards Peverell."

"Hard to believe you are an option at all. Your sister gets the Crest. You'll be lucky to get a second thought in the will."

It was Dante's turn to grow cold, narrowed eyes on the girl, "And you'll be lucky if anyone can even look at you again after you just—"

"Go away." It was one of those cold demands of hers. One of those tones that had everyone freeze. Their minds blank as the command consumed them. One of those moments where you remember that Iris Blackwell had more power than she ever let on.

Dante would break from it easily, irritated as he stalked off, ego hurt and in need of repair. Popping over Sally-Ann's shoulder to fix it.

Theodore watched Iris closely, always quick to notice her. In that moment, specifically how her hand had twitched while watching Dante smile at Tracey and Sally-Ann. Theodore just knew that she wanted nothing more than to reach for her wand... and that confused him, "Why don't you just hex him already?"

"Yes, because attacking essentially a noble is a great move." It came out sarcastically and quite a bit harsher than she would have liked upon reflection, especially seeing that quick flinch of his. So taking a breath, she sent Theodore a forced smile, "He's always been like this; just takes time to get used to ignoring him again. And the fault in our culture goes to whoever throws the first punch; anything done by the other in retaliation is fair game."

Theodore stuffed his free hand into his coat pocket, thinking over the whole situation, reaching the only obvious conclusion... "Has to be some way you can get him to snap first."

Iris just shrugged, "Dante is... he always has been very in check. Sometimes it comes off that he likes to push people just to feel what any real emotion is like. Only way to explain why he pushes the old-fashioned way instead of skipping right ahead and amplifying emotions." She paused... taking a breath before humming and shooting Theodore a smile; she went on, "Always put me at a disadvantage against him. I have far too quick of a temper. Couldn't imagine how easy it would be for him to mess with my emotions to the point of blind rage in a fight."

The mood lightened a bit. Theodore has to find a shared bit of humor in her admission against herself.

Iris would keep her gaze ahead, focused on their friends up ahead, watching carefully as Dante gave his most charming smile to Sally-Ann and Tracey... Jane and Valeria are immune to his silly charms.

Theodore eyed Iris, "Do you worry about him with Perks?"

She shook her head, "No... I trust Sally... just..."

Iris wouldn't get to finish her thought. Someone else decided to ruin the peace that had just been slowly returning. This one was a more pleasant arrival than the last... to Iris, at least.

Cedric Diggory looked nervous as he approached, rightfully, I guess. He and Iris hadn't exactly left off on the best of terms after he had chosen to throw his name in the Goblet of Fire. And while caught up in his growing fame and her in her want to ignore everything... the two hadn't talked.

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