July 3rd, 1994

55 8 15

𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒪𝓃𝑒


It was an underlying sort of tension. One that you can't tell is there... not immediately. It takes a certain level of knowledge, of the situation, of those involved, to begin to see it... to feel it.

Remus Lupin could see it... and shit, he definitely felt it.

Everything in him told him to just leave. To get to a place that, at the very least, didn't feel was growing increasingly more and more suffocating. To get up and leave the two causing this to their own conversation. But at the same time, he felt the need to be there... as there... that moment was just as unpredictable as it was tense.

You never know just how a Blackwell will react after all.

And Remus would acknowledge that it was silly of him to worry over... Albus Dumbledore was perfectly capable of dealing with a lashing out from a teenager. But to be completely honest, he stressed more about how that teen would lash out on her behalf.

Because Iris Blackwell was in Remus Lupin's care... so he needed to be there. For that moment was a conversation that could never go well.

And to Remus Lupin, it was off to a horribly expected start when those dreaded words left Albus Dumbledore's mouth. Ones he was aware were coming, having been prepped for this conversation days before... but still couldn't help but flinch from hearing yet again.

"Hogwarts will be host to the Triwizard Tournament this year."

He had said more; of course, Dumbledore was anything but direct... but all Iris Blackwell would hear was what mattered... all she would react to was what mattered.

And so, Remus would once more flinch away as he watched the girl before him.

A spark of anger jolted her body. Her back going ridged, her eyes narrowing as they locked onto Dumbledore, jaw clenching... a spark of anger that she made known but could keep reeled in... Remus did feel a bit of relief at that.

And he would find himself able to relax a bit in his seat when Iris Blackwell kept herself level enough to make a productive conversation of this, "I was under the impression that it was deemed too dangerous to run. Why is the Ministry suddenly bringing it back?"

Allowing himself to take a sip of tea, Remus leaned back in his chair as he darted his eyes to Dumbledore. Awaiting an answer as he himself took on the role of just silently observing the conversation and the ever-ready-to-change mood of the girl.

"Cornelius has turned his attention to the improvement of international relations once more—"

Iris scoffed, cutting him off as she moved her eyes away, out the window, "Under your direction, I assume? That fool has never had a thought of his own..., especially a good one."

Dumbledore simply smiled, his eyes twinkling as he brushed aside the interruption, continuing on as if it had never happened. "And many members of the Ministry are in support. New rules have been set to assure a less tragic experience than those of the past. Such as the new age restriction, students must be seventeen in order to enter their name. Unfortunately, it means the schools will only be sending over their sixth and seventh years, which puts a damper on allowing our younger students to connect with those their age."

Both Dumbledore and Remus would find themselves watching Iris together for a moment. Watched as she closed her eyes and hummed, taking a moment to think on what little information she had.

Upon opening her eyes again, Iris once more met the calm and steady gaze of Dumbledore, "Only reason you would be telling me is if my people are allowed to be involved... which of course they would be. The tournament was canceled all on its own... no one ever thought to put in place a law that our people cannot get involved. And with no one on the throne...."

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